
"The first neuroengineering management symposium sponsored by Everest Technology was a great success!

"The first neuroengineering management symposium sponsored by Hengzhi Technology was a great success!

I. Introduction to the conference

The First Symposium on Neuroengineering Management was held on June 3, 2023 in Chongqing, China.Beijing Hengzhi Technology Co.participated in the event as an exclusive sponsor.

Over the past 70 years since the founding of our country, China's construction industry has created the world miracle of "home ownership" in the world's largest country in terms of population size, to which engineering management practitioners have made remarkable contributions. At present, the wheel of high-quality development of the construction industry has quietly arrived, which requires the practice of engineering management to gradually shift from "material-oriented" to "people-oriented". In this context, how to realize "people-oriented" has become a frontier hot issue in the field of engineering management research.
Neuromanagement in Engineering (NEM) is a new research direction to reveal human activities in engineering management activities based on the interdisciplinary theories of cognitive neurology, psychology, behavioral decision making, organizational behavior and engineering management, integrating multidisciplinary research paradigms, combining EEG, eye movement, NIR, VR, AR and other research methods, and adopting experimental, big data and subjective report data fusion collection and analysis methods. It is a new research direction to achieve the goal of "people-oriented" engineering management.
This conference is initiated by the Neuroengineering Management Research Committee and is the first in a series of workshops on neuroengineering management. This conference is hosted by Chongqing University, and the second one will be hosted by Central South University in 2024. The conference aims to provide a platform for scholars in neuroengineering management-related research directions to exchange ideas and jointly promote and facilitate the renewal and change of research paradigms in the civil engineering and construction industry.
II. Opening speech of Neuroengineering Management Symposium

The symposium was held on June 3, 2023 in Chongqing, China. The conference gathered more than 500 experts, scholars, entrepreneurs and industry professionals from nearly 100 universities across China. With 3,000 online participants, this Neuroengineering Management Colloquium featured 70 presentations and 10 parallel sub-forums in several cutting-edge areas.

The opening speech was delivered by Prof. Lu Yiyu, Vice President of Chongqing University, who introduced the university's research in the field of neural engineering and the importance and support of the symposium, and expressed his warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the participants.

This was followed by a speech by Academician Niu Dongxiao, member of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences and Distinguished Professor of Changjiang Scholar.

As one of the special guests, Mr. Li Jiahua, General Manager of Hengzhi Technology, attended the conference and discussed the application prospects of neuroengineering technology in various fields with the experts and industry professionals in the conference.
During the conference, the participants visited the booth of Hengzhi Technology and had in-depth communication and cooperation with representatives from various parties.
In conclusion, the 1st Neuroengineering Management Symposium is a high-level academic event of great significance, which provides strong support and promotion for research and application in the field of neuroengineering, and also provides more opportunities and platforms for cooperation and communication between related enterprises and schools.
III. Main Forum Report
This Neuroengineering Management Symposium is exclusively sponsored by Hengzhi Technology to promote communication and cooperation in the field of neuroengineering and to share the latest scientific achievements and practical experiences.

Afterwards, a number of experts, including Ma Qingguo, Dai Weihui and Shen Liyin, took the stage one after another to deliver their keynote presentations. In the reports, they share their insights and research results on specific topics. The participants will listen carefully.
IV. Hengzhi Technology - 1st Neuroengineering Management Symposium Workshop

The workshop of Neuroengineering Management Symposium held by Hengzhi Technology was a great success. Neuroengineering management is a promising research direction today, and accurate instrumentation skills are essential for research and application in this field.
Through this workshop, participants were able to access the most advanced neuroengineering management instruments and learn the proper and efficient way to operate them. This will undoubtedly help improve their practical skills, productivity and understanding of neuroengineering management techniques.

Hengzhi Technology has been committed to promoting and developing the research and application of neuroengineering management technology. Through such training activities, we can not only drive the development of the whole industry, but also make a positive contribution to the cultivation and improvement of technical talents. We at Hengzhi Technology hope that we can continue to make more contributions to the development of neuroengineering management technology in the future.
V. Hengzhi Technology booth

In order to better communicate and exchange with teachers and students, Hengzhi Technology set up a participation booth at the 1st Neuroengineering Management Symposium to provide a platform for attendees to consult and visit. Such a booth is an important channel for companies to show their technology, products and services, and also provides more opportunities for communication and cooperation between companies and users.

It is believed that Hengzhi Technology will deepen the connection and understanding with users in this way and continuously improve its research and innovation ability in the field of neural engineering in order to provide better products and services to our users.

Six, Hengzhi Technology products show

In the first neuroengineering management symposium, Hengzhi Technology showed several neuroengineering acquisition devices to expert teachers, including NIR, EEG, oculomotor, physiometer, VR, etc., and provided opportunities for users to experience these devices on site in order to understand more deeply the specific applications and operation methods of various devices.

The application of these devices can facilitate research in neuroscience, psychology and other fields, providing researchers with more powerful tools and breakthroughs. For example, near-infrared spectroscopy can measure blood oxygen levels and metabolic activity in neural tissues, and VR technology can simulate different scenarios and environments. With the help of these devices, researchers can grasp neural information more accurately and conduct more in-depth research and analysis of brain activity and cognitive processes.

HengThese neuroengineering acquisition devices demonstrated by Best Technology are of great value and usefulness in the fields of neuroscience and psychology.

7. The 1st Neuroengineering Management Symposium is exclusively sponsored by Hengzhi Technology!

The 1st Neuroengineering Management Symposium, exclusively sponsored by Hengzhi Technology, came to a successful conclusion! More than 500 experts, scholars, entrepreneurs and industry professionals from nearly 100 universities across China gathered in Chongqing to discuss the development and operation of neuroengineering field and crack the industry bottleneck. At the same time, there were more than 3,000 online participants and the event had a huge impact. The symposium involved 70 presentations and 10 parallel sub-forums covering several cutting-edge fields, showcasing the latest achievements in current neuroengineering management research and future development directions.
8. General Manager Li Jiahua of Hengzhi Technology read out "Everloyal-NME-20230X"JayoutMaster's degreeGraduate StudentsAward List

Prof. Ye Gui and Prof. Fu Hanliang organized the "Hengzhi-Neural Engineering Management Master's Research Innovation Project", and Prof. Li Jiahua, General Manager of Hengzhi Technology, read out the list of winners of the Master's Research Project, and Prof. Chen Jiayu of Tsinghua University and Prof. Chong Dan of Shanghai University awarded the certificates to the winners of PhD and Master's Research Projects!

"Everloyal-NME-20230X"Certificate and prize money. The winners are listed below.

List of doctoral students:

Name Alma Mater Master's level
Jie Chen Tsinghua University Doctoral students
Cheng Baoquan Central South University - City University of Hong Kong Doctoral students
Zhang Peng Tongji University Doctoral students
Qingxin Southwest Petroleum University Doctoral students
Duan Pinsheng China University of Mining and Technology Doctoral students

List of Master's students:

Name Alma Mater Master's level
Xue Pengdong Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology Master StudiesRaw
Zhang Yuting Tsinghua University Master's Degree
Guo Zigu Xi'an University of Science and Technology Master's Degree
Zhang Gan China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Master's Degree
Yang Qifan Shenzhen University Master's Degree
Liang Mengxuan North China University of Water Resources and Hydropower Master's Degree
Li Jiamang Jiangsu University Master's Degree
Lin Shuxiang Central South University Master's Degree
Wang Zhuan Shanghai University Master's Degree
Cai Yuhang Dalian University of Technology Master's Degree

This fund was established by HZT to support high-level scientific research and innovation projects of master and doctoral students engaged in fields related to neural engineering management, and to improve the scientific research ability and scientific innovation ability of graduate students.

The funding targets mainly cover the fields related to neural engineering management, and the funded projects can be basic research, applied research or technology development, which are required to have certain scientific value and technical content, and have the feasibility of implementation.

WinnersInaccepting the award at the Neuroengineering Management Seminar.It aims to promote academic exchange, technological innovation and cultivate future outstanding talents. The establishment of this fund is a positive contribution of HZT to cultivate innovative talents and promote the technological development in the field of neuroengineering management. We expect more young people to devote themselves to research in the field of neuroengineering management and make more contributions to the health and happiness of human beings.

Nine, Hengzhi Technology Team

The partners of Hengzhi Technology team prepared carefully and cooperated closely before the meeting, and finally completed the venue layout and various tasks brilliantly, making important contributions to the success of the symposium.

The team members of Hengzhi Technology actively prepared for the seminar and designed and arranged the venue before the seminar. They integrated the corporate culture of Hengzhi Technology into the decoration of the venue and used the signature colors and product elements of Hengzhi Technology to create a comfortable and modern atmosphere of the venue.

At the same time, they also actively assisted the attendees in solving problems and provided excellent service and support.

In the end, through solidarity and joint efforts, the team members of Hengzhi Technology successfully completed the venue layout and various tasks. Their hard work and outstanding performance were highly evaluated and praised by the organizers and the participants.

As an enterprise with innovation as the core driving force, Hengzhi Technology always emphasizes teamwork and professionalism of employees. This outstanding performance once again proves the strength and cohesion of Hengzhi Technology team. In the future, we will continue to uphold the enterprise spirit of "innovation, cooperation, responsibility and commitment", continuously improve ourselves and create more value for our customers and society.

Company purpose: "Eternal" - "Sincere", never forget the original intention!

X. The second academic neural engineering managementSeminars and WorkshopsIt will be held at CSU!

At the end of the meeting, the handover ceremony of the 2nd Neuroengineering Management Symposium legacy was successfully held in Chongqing University!SecondSession of Neuroengineering Management AcademicSeminarwillThe hosting work will be taken over by CSU.

Meanwhile, Hengzhi Technology will continue to host the 2nd Neuroengineering Management Symposium Workshop.

We will discuss the cutting-edge technology and management practices in the field of neural engineering, and solve the difficult problems that plague industrial development and academic research.Stay tuned!

Company Profile
Beijing Hengzhi Technology Co., Ltd, invested by China Science (Guangdong) Science Group, relying on Guangdong Institute of Human Factors Technology and Wuhan Institute of Human Factors Engineering Technology, is a new high-tech enterprise based on psychological human factors, driving human factors, biomechanics, user experience, virtual reality and other directions, integrating production, research and development, sales and technical services, has been successfully selected in the list of high-tech enterprises in Zhongguancun. .

The driving human factors system, virtual reality graphical editing software, light environment psychological assessment system and psychological and human factors experimental teaching system developed by Hengzhi Technology have entered the domestic market.

As the sole agent of Poland Cortivision NIR, Russia Mitsar EEG in China, the sole agent of Italy BTS surface EMG and other biomechanical and gait analysis products in China, and the sole agent of Netherlands Noldus Behavioral Science, Sweden Tobii Eye Motion Instrument, Netherlands MindMedia Physiology and Biofeedback, US Biopac Physiology, US ETT The domestic licensed agent of products such as olfactory/taste stimulator. The high-tech products operated have served the top universities and the highest level of scientific research units in China, including Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, Northeast Normal University, Yanshan University, Qiyuan Laboratory, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen University of Technology, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Shanghai University, the Second Institute of Aerospace, 27 and 28 of China Electronics Technology Group, while providing technical support for ink Netease, Huawei technology to provide technical support, in the field of talent training, scientific research cooperation, transformation of results and other scientific and technological areas of continuous in-depth cooperation.

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