
The 2nd International Conference on Neural Engineering Management and the 2024 Annual Conference of the Engineering Construction Management Committee of the China Society for Technical Economics (Round 3)

The 2nd International Conference on Neuroengineering Management

and China Society for Technology EconomicsEngineering and Construction Management Programcaucus2024annual meeting


Theme of the Conference

Conference Theme:

New concepts, paradigms and approaches to engineering and construction management

The engineering construction industry is experiencing a major strategic transformation from rough to lean high-quality development, which puts forward brand-new needs and challenges to the engineering construction management industry, and then pushes the management practice to the concept of "people-oriented" transformation. Therefore, engineering construction management practice and theoretical research urgently need to focus on engineering construction activities in the "people" as the core subject. Human behavior, decision-making, psychology and other mechanisms are deeply rooted in the cognitive processing of the brain black box, it is difficult to accurately, objectively, real-time quantitative measurement through questionnaires. Engineering construction management research urgently needs a new empirical research paradigm that can crack the black box of the brain. In recent years, the development and improvement of technologies and theories in the fields of cognitive neuroscience, brain science and computer science have provided strong support for the research paradigm at the level of experimental technology and basic theory. Through the introduction of EEG, eye movement, near infrared, VR, AR and other experimental techniques, and the integration of cognitive neuroscience, brain science, computer science and engineering management and other interdisciplinary theories, we can explain the behavioral mechanism of "human" in the process of engineering construction management from the level of neural mechanism of the cognitive processing process, and effectively open the "brain black hole" in the process of behavioral decision-making. It can effectively open the "black box of brain" in the process of behavioral decision-making and promote the high-quality development of engineering management theory and practice.


Introduction of the Specialized Committee

The Professional Committee of Engineering Construction Management of China Society for Technological Economics was officially approved to be established on November 24, 2023, aiming to unite scientific and technological workers engaged in scientific research, policy formulation, and industrial operation in the field of engineering construction management nationwide, taking human activities in the process of whole-life-cycle management of engineering construction projects as the object, and based on cross-disciplinary theories of engineering construction management and cognitive neurology, psychology, behavioral decision-making, and organizational behavior. Based on interdisciplinary theories of engineering construction management and cognitive neurology, psychology, behavioral decision-making, organizational behavior, and other interdisciplinary theories, integrating multidisciplinary research paradigms, combining electroencephalograms, eye movements, near infrared, VR, AR and other research means, and adopting data fusion collection and analysis methods such as experiments, big data, and subjective reports, the research team will reveal the law of human activities in engineering construction management activities, and set up a "people-oriented" engineering construction management research and analysis system for scientific and technological workers in the fields of architecture, civil engineering construction, and engineering management. It aims to build a "people-oriented" research and communication platform for scientific and technical workers in the fields of architecture, civil engineering construction and engineering management, to promote the updating and change of the research paradigm of the engineering construction industry, and to facilitate the healthy and sustainable development of the construction industry, real estate industry, urban renewal, rural revitalization, and infrastructure construction.


Conference Introduction

This conference is the 2024 Annual Conference of Engineering Construction Management Committee of China Society for Technical Economics, and it is also the second in the series of academic conferences on Neural Engineering Management. The "First Academic Symposium on Neural Engineering Management" was successfully held on June 3, 2023 at the School of Management Science and Real Estate, Chongqing University. More than 500 experts in related fields from more than 100 universities and research institutes across China, including Professor Ma Qingguo, academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, Professor Niu Dongxiao, academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, Yangtze River Scholar, and Professor Li Heng Chair of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, participated in the conference offline, and a total of more than 3,000 experts and scholars watched the live broadcast of the conference in the main venue online. Participants in the conference centered on the conference theme of "Human-centered Engineering Management Research - Neuroengineering Management", and jointly discussed the research methodology, research object and future development direction of Neuroengineering Management. On the basis of the first Neuroengineering Management Seminar, this session will further exchange and discuss relevant research directions.


Organizers and sponsors



Engineering Construction Management Committee of China Society for Technical Economics


Organized by

School of Civil Engineering, Central South University

School of Transportation Engineering, Central South University



China Society of Technology Economics, Neuroeconomic Management Committee

Society for Management Science and Engineering Neural Management and Neural Engineering Section

China Civil Engineering Society, Engineering Management Branch

Engineering Management Division of the Academy of Management Science and Engineering

Chongqing University

Hunan University of Finance and Economics

Hunan Engineering Management Society

China Construction Management Research Association

Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTD

Wuhan Institute of Human Factors Engineering and Technology


Supporting Journals

TheAdvanced Engineering InformaticsThe

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics

Journal of Green Building

International Journal of Construction Management

Journal of Intelligent Construction.

Journal of Railway Science and Engineering


Science, Technology and Engineering

Science, Technology and Industry

Project Management Techniques


Meeting time and location

Meeting time: May 31-June 2, 2024

Venue: Railway Campus of Central South University

First Inaugural Meeting of the Specialized Committee on Engineering and Construction Management:

May 31, 2024 (20:00-21:30)

Neuroengineering Management Instrument Operation Training Workshop Hours:

May 31, 2024 (18:30-21:30)

Table 1 Schedule of meetings


Main elements of the meeting

The conference is organized with keynote speeches, invited speeches, thematic sub-forums, postgraduate forums and workshops, and the exciting agenda is continuously updated.


Keynote report


June 1, 2024 (8:30-12:30)

June 2, 2024(8:30-12:30)


Auditorium, Tiedao Campus, Central South University (CSU)

Table 2 Agenda for keynote addresses


invited report


June 1, 2024 (14:00-18:00)


International Lecture Hall, Tiedao Campus, Central South University (201, Block C, Century Building)

Table 3 Agenda of invited presentations


Thematic sub-forums


June 1, 2024 (14:00-18:00)


Classroom, Century Building, Tiedao Campus, Central South University

Table 4 Agenda of the thematic sub-forums


Hengzhi - Neuroengineering Management

(scientific) researchInnovation FundSub-forum

Currently 15 doctoral students and 27 master's students from more than 30 universities across China have registered for the conference. The conference will set up a sub-forum for doctoral students and a sub-forum for master's students in parallel according to the number of presenters in the afternoon of June 1, 2024, to provide postgraduate students with the opportunity to exchange the latest research results and learn from each other.A panel of experts will be set up for each sub-forum to review the presentations and give scores based on the presentations and research potentials, which will be summarized as the basis for the selection of the 2nd "Hengzhi - Neuroengineering Management Research and Innovation Fund".


June 1, 2024 (14:00-18:00)


Classroom, Century Building, Tiedao Campus, Central South University


Sincerely-Instrumentation Workshop

The free Neuroengineering Management Laboratory Instrumentation Training Workshop, organized by conference sponsors Beijing Hengzhi Technology Co., Ltd. and Wuhan Institute of Human Factors Engineering and Technology, will focus on the use and operation of commonly used experimental instrumentation for neuroengineering management.The content will include neuroengineering management cases and experimental design ideas, as well as sharing ideas for multi-modal research in neuroengineering management. Participants will have the opportunity to learn the latest technological advances, master key principles of experimental design, and address challenges in experimental design. Attendance is voluntary and free of charge for fellow experts.


May 31, 2024 (18:30-21:30)


101, Block D, Century Building, Tiedao Campus, Zhongnan University

Table 5 Neuroengineering Management Instrument Operation Training Workshop Schedule

Workshop Exchange Group:


first tranche"Sincerely-neuroengineeringManagement

Research and Innovation Fund (RIF)"progress sharing session

"This sub-forum is an exchange meeting on the research progress of the recipients of the first phase of the Innovation Fund, and 12 recipients of the first phase of the Innovation Fund from 10 universities will report on their research progress respectively.This sub-forum will be organized in parallel with the Thematic Sub-forum and the Postgraduate Sub-forum.

Time: June 1, 2024 (14:00-18:00)


Conference Registration and Payment


Conference fees and payment methods

Meeting costs:

Teachers and industry comrades: 1000 RMB/person (China Society of Technical Economics Engineering Construction Management Professional Committee member registration fee 800 RMB/person, member registration is free)
Students: RMB 600/person (RMB 500/person registration fee for student members of the Engineering Construction Management Professional Committee of the China Society for Technical Economics, member registration is free of charge)
Welcome to register in advance for the China Society of Technical Economics Engineering Construction Management Professional Committee membership, this year's membership fee is free of charge, registration steps please see the website:

Payment method:


How to register for the conference

Fill out the participation information:

     Please scan the QR code below to fill in the registration information after paying the conference fee and upload the payment voucher of the conference fee to all the teachers and students who are going to attend the conference.


Notes and Meeting Contacts


Conference Contacts

Academic Conference Registration:

Liang Mengxuan 15729002099

Hotel booking related matters:

Han Yang 18570492724

Participation of foreign experts:

Fang Qi 18771046116

Conference invoicesRelated matters:

Shan Ming 13524287516

Matters related to the proposed report:

Yang Jingjing 18723319531

Matters relating to the inaugural meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee:

Guo Xiaotong 15029943813

Neuroinstrumentation Operations Training Workshop:

Li Jiahua 18500350004

Membership registration for the Engineering and Construction Management Professional Committee:

Xia Zhongjing 18046879530

Secretariat of the Specialized Committee on Engineering and Construction Management:


Conference General Information Contact Email:



Conference Neighborhood and Hotel Information

The conference organizers have reached an agreement with various hotels around the conference venue, and the specific hotel information is listed below. Due to the large number of participants in the conference, the reception capacity of the surrounding hotels is limited, please book a room in advance.

Table 6 Information on hotels in the vicinity of the Conference

Notes:Please apply for the "2nd International Conference on Neuroengineering Management" at the agreed price.

Company Profile

Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTDIt is invested by Zhongke (Guangdong) Science Group, relying on Guangdong Human Factors Technology Research Institute and Wuhan Human Factors Engineering Technology Research Institute, and is a new type of high-tech enterprise based on the direction of psychological human factors, driving human factors, biomechanics, user experience, virtual reality and other directions, integrating production, research and development, sales and technical services, and has been selected as a national high-tech enterprise, a science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprise, and a high-tech enterprise on the list of Zhongguancun. High-tech enterprise list.

Hengzhi Technology independently researches and develops driving human factors system, virtual reality graphical editing software, light environment psychological assessment system, psychological and human factors experimental teaching system, and at the same time as the general agent of Poland Cortivision near infrared, Russia Mitsar electroencephalography and Germany Eyelogic eye-tracking instrument in China, and the general agent of biomechanics and gait analysis scientific research products such as surface electromyography of Italy BTS, and so on. AdHawk Mindlink (Canada), QuaeroSys (Germany), Noldus (Holland), Tobii (Sweden), MindMedia (Holland), Biopac (U.S.A.), ETT (U.S.A.), and other products in the field of olfactory/gustatory stimulation. We have served Tsinghua University, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Northeast Normal University, Yanshan University, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Shenzhen University of Technology, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xinjiang Normal University, Qiyuan Laboratory, China Electronics Technology Group 27, China Electronics Technology Group 28, Huawei Technology, InkScan, NetEase, Aerospace Academy II, and so on. Thousands of colleges and universities, research institutes and enterprises and institutions continue to carry out in-depth cooperation in talent cultivation, production and research cooperation, and transformation of achievements.

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