
Exclusive | The 2nd International Conference on Neural Engineering Management and the 2024 Annual Meeting of Engineering Construction Management Committee of China Society for Technical Economics were successfully concluded!

From May 31 to June 2, 2024, sponsored by the Engineering Construction Management Committee of China Society of Technical Economics, jointly organized by the School of Civil Engineering of Central South University and the School of Transportation Engineering of Central South University, and co-organized by the Neuroeconomics Management Committee of China Society of Technical Economics, the Engineering Management Branch of China Society of Civil Engineers, Chongqing University, Hunan University of Finance and Economics, Hunan Engineering Management Society, China Construction Management Research Society, Wuhan Human Factors Engineering and Technology Research Institute, we successfully held the 2nd "Neuroeconomics Management International Academic Conference and the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Engineering Construction Management Committee of China Society of Technical Economics". Management Research Association, Wuhan Institute of Human Factors Engineering Technology Research Institute of a number of colleges and institutes jointly co-organized the second "Neural Engineering Management International Academic Conference and China Society of Technical Economics Engineering Construction Management Professional Committee 2024 Annual Meeting was successfully held in Changsha, our company as the exclusive co-organizer to participate in the General Assembly.

With the core theme of "New Concepts, New Paradigms and New Methods of Engineering Construction Management", the conference is based on the interdisciplinary theories of engineering construction management, cognitive neurology, psychology, behavioral decision-making, organizational behavior, etc. It integrates multidisciplinary research paradigms, combines EEG, eye movement, near infrared, VR, AR and other research tools, and integrates the basic theories of cognitive neurology, brain science, computer science and engineering management. Cognitive neurology, brain science, computer science, engineering management and other interdisciplinary theories can effectively open the "brain black box" in the process of behavioral decision-making, and thus promote the high-quality development of engineering management theory and practice.

More than 600 experts in related fields from more than 100 universities and research institutes across the country participated in the conference offline, and a total of 8,664 experts and scholars watched the live broadcast of the conference's main venue online, focusing on the cutting-edge trends and development of neural engineering management, which helps to explore the new research directions and application fields, promote knowledge sharing and cooperation among major universities and experts across the globe, and provide a new perspective for the actual management practices and methods, which is of great significance for promoting the development of technical and economic undertakings in the engineering construction industry.

Opening Ceremony Guest Speeches

On the morning of June 1, the opening ceremony of the 2nd International Academic Conference on Neural Engineering Management and the Professional Committee on Engineering Construction Management of China Society for Technical Economics was hosted by Prof. Wang Weidong, Dean of the School of Civil Engineering, Central South University (CSU). He Xuhui, Dean of Undergraduate School of Central South University, Prof. Niu Dongxiao, Vice President of China Society for Technical Economics, Academician of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, and Distinguished Professor of Yangtze River Scholars, and Ye Gui, Chairman of China Society for Technical Economics' Professional Committee on Engineering and Construction Management, Professor of Chongqing University, and co-initiator of Neuro-Engineering Management, delivered the opening speeches. The speakers believed that the engineering construction management industry should seize the opportunity of technological innovation and conceptual updating, enhance the management level through the integration of multiple disciplines and the application of cutting-edge technologies, promote the high-quality development of the industry, and promote the development of technical and economic undertakings in the engineering construction industry to make greater contributions.
Prof. Wang Weidong; He Xuhui, Dean of Undergraduate School, Central South University; Prof. Niu Dongxiao, Academician of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences and Changjiang Scholar; Ye Gui, Professor of Chongqing University and co-initiator of Neuro-Engineering Management, delivering opening speeches

Renowned academicians, experts and scholars gathered together

With the end of the opening ceremony guest speech, the conference keynote report officially began. The keynote speech was hosted by Prof. Wang Qing'e, a member of the National Master of Engineering Management (MEM) Teaching Steering Committee of the School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, and Prof. Ma Qingguo, an academician of the International Academy of Asian and European Sciences and the founder of neuromanagement, gave the first keynote speech of the conference with the title of "Several Important Issues in the Development of Neuromanagement Science and Engineering". The first keynote report. He sorted out and discussed the connotation and extension of neural engineering management, emphasized that the development of neural engineering management should grasp the key points and enhance the academic atmosphere, and affirmed the broad prospect of the direction of neural engineering management.

Professor Ma Qingguo, Academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Scienceswritings or worksGeneral Assembly Reports

After academician Ma Qingguo's report, Prof. Fang Dongping, Director of Tsinghua University's School of Civil Engineering and Water Resources, and Prof. Fang Dongping, Founding Chairman of the Chinese Construction Management Research Association, Global Highly Cited Scientist ShenLi-Yin, Li Heng, Chair Professor of the Department of Architecture and Real Estate of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Prof. Dai Weihui of Fudan University, Prof. Ye Kunhui, Dean of the School of Management Science and Real Estate of Chongqing University, and many other renowned scholars made a conference report on the academic cutting-edge research on Neuroengineering Management, which aroused heated discussions and positive responses from the delegates.

Dean, School of Civil Engineering and Water Resources, Tsinghua University, ,Fang Dongping, Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor;Li-Yin Shen, Founding Chairman of China Construction Management Research Association and Global Highly Cited Scientist;;Li Heng, Chair Professor, Department of Architecture and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;;Patrick X.W. Zou, Distinguished Professor of Chang'an University, gave a report on the conference.

Professor, Chongqing University,Yeh Koon Hui, Dean of the School of Management Science and Real Estate;Fellow of the Australian Academy of Engineering Vivian Tam, Associate Dean, School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, University of Western Sydney;Ye Gui, committee director, professor at Chongqing University and co-initiator of Neuroengineering Management;;Fudan University, ShanghaiProf. Weihui Dai, University Professor and Chairman of Neuromanagement and Neuroengineering Division, Management Science and Engineering Society, made a conference report

China Society for Technical Economics Engineering Construction Management Professional Committee established

The inaugural meeting of the Engineering Construction Management Committee of China Society for Technical Economics and the first working meeting of the first council were successfully held on May 31, 2024 in Century Building, Railway Campus of Central South University. The Professional Committee of Engineering Construction Management of China Society for Technical Economics (hereinafter referred to as "the Committee") was officially approved to be established on November 24, 2023, which is a national academic research organization in the field of engineering construction management. The Committee aims to unite scientific and technological workers engaged in scientific research, policy formulation, and industrial operation in the field of engineering construction management across the country. Taking human activities in the whole life-cycle management of engineering construction projects as the object, and based on the theories of interdisciplinary disciplines such as engineering construction management, cognitive neurology, psychology, behavioral decision-making, organizational behavior, etc., the Committee integrates multidisciplinary research paradigms, combines electroencephalography (EEG), ocular motility (OM), near-infrared (NIR), and VR, AR and other research means, using experiments, big data and subjective reports and other data fusion collection and analysis methods, to reveal the laws of human activities in engineering construction management activities, to build a "people-oriented" engineering construction management research, communication platform for scientific and technological workers in the fields of architecture, civil engineering construction and engineering management, to promote and facilitate the updating of the research paradigm of the engineering construction industry. It aims to promote and facilitate the updating and change of the research paradigm of the engineering construction industry, and to promote the healthy and sustainable development of the construction industry, real estate industry, urban renewal, rural revitalization, and infrastructure construction.

Committee site

voting site

During the conference, the establishment of the Engineering Construction Management Professional Committee of the China Society for Technical Economics was officially announced. The establishment of this professional committee marks a new stage of development in the field of engineering construction management. Through the establishment of the Professional Committee, it further promotes the innovation and progress of the research paradigm of engineering construction management and injects new impetus for the healthy and sustainable development of the industry.

The General Manager of Hengzhi Technology was elected as a member of the Board of Directors and Deputy Secretary General.

our companyLi KahuaThe general manager was elected as the deputy secretary-general of the Engineering Construction Management Committee of the China Society for Technical Economics in this meeting. This honor is not only a recognition of our contribution in the field of engineering construction management, but also an incentive for our future work. Our company will continue to give full play to our technical advantages in the fields of psychological human factors, driving human factors, biomechanics, etc., to promote the research and application in the field of engineering construction management, and to contribute more strength to the development of the industry.

Keynote Presentation and Presentation of Innovation Fund Certificates

A total of 103 lectures were held in 9 parallel sessions, including 1 invited lecture by 11 famous experts from home and abroad, 3 thematic forums by 35 experts and scholars from home and abroad, and 5 master and doctoral forums by 18 doctoral students and 39 master's students. Around the theme, senior scholars and young academic elites from engineering management and related research fields discussed the theoretical frontiers of neural engineering management and shared their latest research results.

Our general manager, Mr. Li Jiahua, made a speech in the conference, "Near InfraredImaging Technology in Neuroengineering Management" keynote presentation on the principles of NIR and how it can be applied in the field of neuroengineering management.

Mr. Li Jiahua, General Manager of our company, made a report on the topic of "Application of NIR Imaging Technology in Neural Engineering Management".
This conference has a special Neuroengineering Management themed journal editorial exchange session and on-site exchanges with attendees.
Journal Editorial Exchange on Neuroengineering Management Topics
At the same time, the "Hengzhi Technology - Neuroengineering Management Research and Innovation Fund" was set up by our company to support 16 winners, including 6 PhD winners and 10 Master's degree winners. Mr. Li Jiahua, the General Manager of our company, delivered a speech, and Prof. Ye Gui from Chongqing University and Associate Prof. Chen Jiayu from Tsinghua University awarded the certificates of support to the winners of PhD and Master's Degree respectively. Through the establishment of the Research and Innovation Fund, HBTS aims to support and encourage more young researchers to devote themselves to innovative research and to promote the development of the discipline of neural engineering management.

Ph.D. Winners

Master's degree winners

moment of truth

A steady stream of attendees

Neuroscience Products

Participating experts experience MindLink eyeglasses-based eye-tracking device

Participating students and faculty experience the combination of near infrared and eye movement

Introducing the MindLink Eyeglass Eyetracker-Cortivision NIR-SmartBCI Portable EEG Multimodal Acquisition and Analysis System to the attending experts.

Participating experts experience vr equipment

Hengzhi EVE Simulated Driving Human Factors System

Academician Ma Qingguo Experiencing Hengzhi EVE Simulated Driving Human Factors System

Our company set up a booth at the conference to display the latest neuroscience products, including EEG, eye movement, NIR and VR,Driver simulation human factors systemThe innovative application scenarios of experimental technology means, and demonstrated the specific application cases of these equipments in engineering construction management, which attracted the attention of many participants and their personal experience through the demonstration of Hengzheng technical engineers, and mobilized the exploratory enthusiasm of the experiencers!

looking forward

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks for the successful outcome of the conference and look forward to the future development of the Engineering Construction Management Committee of the China Society for Technology and Economics, which will continue to grow and promote the development of the discipline of neural engineering management. We are looking forward to seeing all the experts again in Nanjing next year. We will continue to uphold the original intention, do our part for China's scientific research, keep innovating, and provide more support and services for the development of the field of engineering construction management.

Company Profile

Ltd, invested by Zhongke (Guangdong) Science Group and relying on Guangdong Human Factors Technology Research Institute and Wuhan Human Factors Engineering Technology Research Institute, is a new type of high-tech enterprise based on the direction of psychological human factors, driving human factors, biomechanics, user experience, virtual reality and other directions, integrating production, research and development, sales and technical services, and has been selected as a national high-tech enterprises, science and technology-based Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Zhongguancun High-tech Enterprises.

Hengzhi Technology independently researches and develops driving human factors system, virtual reality graphical editing software, light environment psychological assessment system, psychological and human factors experimental teaching system, and at the same time as the general agent of Poland Cortivision near infrared, Russia Mitsar electroencephalography and Germany Eyelogic eye-tracking instrument in China, and the general agent of biomechanics and gait analysis scientific research products such as surface electromyography of Italy BTS, and so on. AdHawk Mindlink (Canada), QuaeroSys (Germany), Noldus (Holland), Tobii (Sweden), MindMedia (Holland), Biopac (U.S.A.), ETT (U.S.A.), and other products in the field of olfactory/gustatory stimulation. We have served Tsinghua University, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Northeast Normal University, Yanshan University, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Shenzhen University of Technology, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xinjiang Normal University, Qiyuan Laboratory, China Electronics Technology Group 27, China Electronics Technology Group 28, Huawei Technology, InkScan, NetEase, Aerospace Academy II, and so on. Thousands of colleges and universities, research institutes and enterprises and institutions continue to carry out in-depth cooperation in talent cultivation, production and research cooperation, and transformation of achievements.

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