
Second Round Notice | The 2nd International Symposium on Green Development of Bay Area City Cluster and the 2024 Annual Conference of the Specialized Committee on Green Development of City Clusters of the China Society of Urban Science Research

        Urban agglomerations are an important vehicle for promoting high-quality development, creating a high quality of life and building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. The "Bay Area City Cluster" has become an important growth pole for the world's economic development, as well as a new vehicle for international competition, especially for scientific and technological innovation. It is against this background that the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" was born, and it is China's forward-looking strategy to accurately grasp the new focus of international competition. Bay Area urban agglomerations around the world are home to large populations and are the largest resource and energy consuming regions. The transition towards a sustainable future therefore depends fundamentally on the transformation of urban systems from linear to circular, from carbon intensive to carbon neutral. The urban transition needs to draw on the capacity for scientific, technological and managerial innovation, as well as on the opportunities presented by the spatial concentration of population and economic scale, which creates sufficient conditions for exploring new models of low-carbon development and the circular economy, as well as new ecologically based socio-economic models of development, and provides an impetus for change and an inclusive space for experimentation towards a new situation of ecological and environmental governance.

       In order to better understand how the Bay Area urban agglomerations can lead the transition as enablers in the transition to high-quality development and carbon neutrality.scheduleAugust 14-17, 2024InZhuhai and MacauConvening of the 2nd International Symposium on Circular Economy in the Bay Area and the 2024 Annual Conference of the Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations of the China Society for Urban Science Research on "Green Transformation of Urban Agglomerations for High-Quality Development".It is a platform for academic exchanges to discuss the theoretical approaches, technological innovations and management practices of the Bay Area urban agglomerations in the areas of high-quality development, carbon neutrality and green transformation.

I. Meeting information

Title of the meeting

The Second International Symposium on Circular Economy in the Bay Area

and the 2024 Annual Conference of the Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations of the China Society for Urban Science Research

2nd International Bay Area Urban Agglomeration Green Development Conference
And the 2024 Academic Annual Meeting of Urban Agglomeration Green Development Committee of Chinese Society for Urban Studies (CSUS)

Theme of the Conference

Green transformation of urban agglomerations for high-quality development

Meeting time, address

August 14-17, 2024 Zhuhai, Macau


Beijing Normal University

Macau University of Science and Technology

Guangdong University of Technology

Organized by

Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations, China Society for Urban Studies (CSUS)

Ricci Network

International Cleaner Production Progress Network

II. Content of the meeting

(i) Themes

1. High-quality development of urban agglomerations: theory, methodology and assessment

2. Ecological risk of urban agglomerations under a breakthrough of the Earth's 1.5°C tipping point

3. New technologies and methods for pollution and carbon reduction in urban agglomerations based on AI and artificial intelligence

4. Environmental risks and high-quality development in river basin urban agglomerations

5. Integrated management of coastal urban agglomerations oriented towards environmental risk management

6. Food-nutrient-energy-water cycles in urban agglomerations

7. New urban governance systems for a carbon-neutral transition

8. Mechanisms for realizing the value of ecological products in the Bay Area city cluster

9. Cyclical modeling of typical industries in urban agglomerations (electricity, transportation, construction, electronics, etc.)

(Conference topics are still being solicited...)

(ii) Sessional reports

(Session topics are continuously being solicited, and applications from research organizations and enterprises are welcome!)

Session I

Study on Economic Development and Energy Transition of Cities (Clusters) in the Context of Double Carbon


Kong Ying, Wang Zheng

Session II

Urban resilience and environmental risk prevention and control under climate change


Cao Shijie, Wang Junqi

Session III

Green Technologies, Policies and Pathways for Cities (Clusters) to Address Climate Change Objectives



Sun Lu, Dong Liang

Sub-session IV

Solid Waste Recycling and Resource Utilization in Synergy with Pollution and Carbon Reduction


Liu Zhe, Dong Huijuan

Sub-session V

Product Carbon Footprint: Methods, Tools and Management Systems


Xu Ming

Session VI

Socio-economic transformation and carbon reduction


Liang Sai, Xia Linlin, Li Yumeng

Session VII

High-quality development of municipal infrastructure


License, Zhu Yuxi

Sub-session VIII

Ecological conservation and green development of the estuarine delta


Lord Yee

Sub-session IX

Synergistic management of water-energy-food linkages in cities (clusters)


Zhang Chao (1962-), PRC film director

Sub-session X

Green transition management and energy-environmental-economic analysis of urban agglomerations


Zhang Qi (1529-1568), Jin dynasty writer and poet

Sub-session XI

Urban metabolism and circular low-carbon development paths


Chan Wai Keung, Lee Ka Suk

Sub-session XII

Prevention and control of air pollution in urban agglomerations


swallow (archaic)

Sub-session XIII

Urban green infrastructure and resilient cities


Cui Shenghui, Meng Fanxin

Sub-session XIV

Mechanisms for realizing the value of urban agglomerations and regional ecological products


Zhang Linbo, Liu Kengyuan

Sub-session XV

Urban health and urban check-ups


Lee Dong (1941-), Taiwanese politician, prime minister 1990-2004

Sub-session XVI

New Technology and Methods for Pollution and Carbon Reduction in Urban Clusters Based on AI and Artificial Intelligence



Sub-session XVII

Green and low carbon regulation of municipal solid waste recycling process


Wu Yu Feng

Sub-session XVIII

Pollution and Carbon Reduction and High Quality Development of Typical Industries in Urban Clusters


Xu Linyu and Su Meirong,

Chen Lei, Dong Yue

Sub-session XIX

Ecological management of urban agglomeration "diseases" for sustainable development


Mao Rui and Fandelin,

Xuechao Wang, Huihui Wang

iii. organizing committee


Yang Zhifeng   Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering 

Guangdong University of Technology, Beijing Normal University 

Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations, China Society for Urban Studies (CSUS)

Li Xingwei   Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering

Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering

Macau University of Science and Technology 


Shen Zhenyao Ma Yibing Liang Sai     

Biagio Giannetti


(Membership of the Organizing Committee will be updated on an ongoing basis)

Xu Linyu Cai Yanpeng Yang Qing Song Qingbin Chang Lu   

Li Hui Dong Yahong Zhou Ya Hao Yan Meng Fanxin   

Zeng Xuelan Xia Linlin You Yan       

Cecilia Almeida Feni Agostinho

secretary general

Liu Keng-Yuan, Su Mei-Rong, Lu Ke-Yu.

IV. Academic Council

Qiu Baoxing (1915-2005), PRC politician   Academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences Secretary of the Party Committee of the China Society for Urban Science Former Vice-Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

Yang Zhifeng   Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Guangdong University of Technology/Beijing Normal University Director of the Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations of the China Urban Research Association

ICP He   Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences Vice Chairman, Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations, China Society for Urban Research

Xu Zuxin   Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University Vice Chairman, Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations, China Society for Urban Research

Yu Gang   Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Beijing Normal University Cross Institute of Environmental and Ecological Frontiers Vice Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations of China Urban Research Society

Huang Guohua (1941-), PRC politician, prime minister 1997-1998   Academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering School of Environment, Beijing Normal University Vice Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations, China Urban Research Society

Ouyang Zhiyun   Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Chinese Academy of Sciences Ecological Environment Research Center Vice Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations of the China Society for Urban Studies

Kao Jixi (1910-1995), Mao Zedong's third wife   Satellite Environmental Application Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment Vice Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations of the China Society for Urban Studies

Kantabo (name)   Academician, National Academy of Social Sciences, UK Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University Vice Chairman, Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations, China Society for Urban Research

(in alphabetical order of surnames)

Cai Hua, Cao Mengqiu, Cao Shijie, Cao Wenzhi, Chang Yuan.  

Chen Cheng Chen Shaoqing Chen Weiqiang Cui Shenghui Dai Han Cheng

Deng Xiangzheng Dou Yi Fang Kai Han Guifeng Han Mengyao

Huang Xiaodong, Ji Guodong, Kong Ying, Li Dong, Li Jiasuo

Li Junxiang Li Xiaohui Liang Sai Liu Gang Liu Zhe

Long Ying Lu Shaoyong Luan Tiangang Ma Jinxing Meng Fanran

Meng Jing Mi Zhifu Qiu Yueming Qu Shen Song Guobao

Sun Lu Wang Pan Yan Wang Peng Wang Quan Long Wang Shuxiao

WANG Xu WU Yu-Feng XIE Hua-Lin XU Lin-Yu XU Ming

Xu Ke Yang Long Yang Yongchuan Zhang Piao Zhang Chao

Zhang Guixiang Zhang Lijuan Zhang Linbo Zhang Qi Zhang Yan

Zhang Zengkai, Zheng Feifei, Zhou Weiqi, Zhou Ya

V. Conference website and call for papers

Conference Web site:


Conference abstract submission:

Please submit an abstract via the link below: 


Abstract Submission Requirements.

       Authors presenting at the conference are required to submit their abstracts in both text and PDF format. Abstracts in text format should be submitted to the abstract window in the system, and PDF versions should be uploaded to the system as an attachment. Abstracts should be presented in clear and precise English. Upon acceptance of the abstract, at least one of the authors must register to reserve their presentation time in the conference program. Abstract templates are available on the conference website at the end of this document.

Abstract submission deadline:

July 15, 2024

Sign up for the attendee channel:

 Delegates can access the website by clicking on the link(https://csus.scimeeting.cn/cn/reg/index/23552)Apply for registration. Apply for registrationMember of China Society for Urban Science and Research (CSUS)Preferential rates are available, and the conference service fee includes meals and materials. Accommodation and transportation costs are at your own expense.

General Assembly communication modalities:

        The conference will be organized in the form of keynote presentations, invited presentations in the sessions, free application presentations in the sessions, and poster presentations as the main form of communication. The conference will also select outstanding oral presentations and posters, award certificates, and recommend them to supporting journals.

VI. Membership Registration

[Membership Application Process 1]Registered member of China Urban Science Research Association

       Non-members are required to complete the online registration of China Society for Urban Science and Research (CSUS) members, and select "Professional Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations" as the source of development when registering for membership, and the registration steps are as follows:

(a) Click "Join Us" on the left or above of the page to enter the membership registration system of China Society for Urban Science and Research (CSUS).

(ii) Follow the prompts to register for individual or unit membership.

(c) The types of membership categories include Ordinary Members, Senior Members, Honorary Members, and Foreign Members.

(d) Fill in the personal data as required, and make sure to select "Professional Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations" as the source of development, with "*" as a required field.

[Membership Application Process 2]Fill in the Application Form for Membership of the Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations

(a) Adopt the method of "voluntary and recommended by the organization", and the applicant shall fill in the "Application Form for Membership of the Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations".

-Download link:


-Password: 1111

Recommendation unit is responsible for reviewing the contents of the application form, the head of the unit in the application form in the specified position to sign the recommendation and stamp the official seal of the unit, the recommendation of the unit is responsible for the authenticity of the contents of the application form, the applicant's unit of work and the recommendation of the unit seal need to be the same.

(II) 发送申请表至专委会秘书处联系邮箱liugengyuan@bnu.edu.cn (Ms. Liu), will reply to confirm the application by email with the subject of "Application for Urban Agglomeration Specialized Committee - Name - Unit". Welcome to apply for membership in the Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations of China Urban Science Research Association.

VII. Contact information

Conference e-mail: csusscimeeting@163.com (invitation letters, etc.)

Ms. Liu: liugengyuan@bnu.edu.cn

Ms. Sue: sumr@gdut.edu.cn

Ms. Lu: lukeyu@chinasus.org

To register for the conference, please click "Read More".
