
The 27th Annual National Industrial Design Conference was a great success!

Introduction to the Conference

On the morning of December 9, the 27th National Academic Annual Conference on Industrial Design was grandly opened in Shaanxi University of Science and Technology. This annual conference is organized by the Industrial Design Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Design Education Working Committee of China Innovation Design Industry Strategic Alliance, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, and co-hosted by the School of Design and Art (Silk Road Culture and Communication School) of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education of the Ministry of Education of the "Underground Cultural Relics Protection Materials and Technology", and Future Design Laboratory of the Yangtze River Delta Wisdom Oasis Innovation Center of Zhejiang University. Future Design Laboratory of Wisdom Oasis Innovation Center of Zhejiang University. With the theme of "Cultural Roots - Mutual Integration and Symbiosis - Innovation and Fusion", the annual conference aims to focus on the major national development strategies, explore the cultural qualities of design, explore the connotation of design, discuss the extension of the boundaries of design, and seek for innovation and fusion of design, in order to promote the rapid development of industrial design in western China.

The conference invited Mao Ming, Chairman of Industrial Design Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society and Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Sun Shouqian, Executive Vice Chairman of Industrial Design Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society and member of Design Discipline Review Group of the State Council, Prof. Ning Gang, former President of Jingdezhen Ceramic University and member of Design Discipline Review Group of the State Council, and Honorary Vice Chairman of Industrial Design Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Prof. Lu Changde of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Prof. Chen Guoqiang, Vice President of Yanshan University and Vice Chairman of Industrial Design Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Prof. Song Xiewei, Dean of School of Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and member of the Design Discipline Review Group of the State Council, Prof. Zhao Chao, Vice President of Academy of Arts and Design of Tsinghua University, Prof. Wei Jie, Dean of School of Design of Jiangnan University and Vice Chairman of Industrial Design Branch of China Mechanical Engineering Society, Prof. Sun Shouqian, Vice President of Industrial Design Branch of China Mechanical Engineering Society. Professor Han Ting of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Vice Chairman of Industrial Design Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Professor Chai Chunlei of Zhejiang University, Director General of Industrial Design Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, and other more than 400 experts and scholars from nearly 200 colleges, universities and scientific research institutes in China gathered together to seek new directions, new ideas and new initiatives for the development of industrial design.

The opening ceremony was presided over by Prof. Liu Zongming, Dean of School of Design and Art (Silk Road Culture and Communication Institute) of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology. Professor Lu Changde, Honorary Vice Chairman of Industrial Design Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, delivered a speech, in which he said that the annual conference aims to actively build a platform for academic exchanges in the field of industrial design, make efforts to promote new industrialization, facilitate the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and continuously form a new development pattern, and contribute to the high-quality development of China's economy and society. Prof. Huang Jianfeng, Vice President of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), expressed his sincere welcome to all the leaders, experts and scholars attending the conference, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to colleagues from all walks of life who have long cared for and supported the development of SUSTech, and said that SUSTech will continue to support and serve the development of industrial design, and contribute to the regional socio-economic development with wisdom and strength.

The annual conference will last until December 11, during which a number of high-end forums will be held to bring together experts and scholars from various parties to discuss the future development of industrial design.

Organizational structure of the Conference


China Mechanical Engineering Society, China Innovation Design Industry Strategic Alliance

Industrial Design Branch, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
Design Education Working Committee of China Innovation and Design Industry Strategic Alliance
Shaanxi University of Science and Technology

Zhejiang University Yangtze River Delta Wisdom Oasis Innovation Center
Shaanxi Mechanical Engineering Society Industrial Design Branch
Silk Road Innovation and Design Industry Alliance

Organized by
Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, College of Design and Art (Silk Road Culture and Communication College)
Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education "Underground Cultural Relics Protection Materials and Technology".
Future Design Lab, Yangtze River Delta Wisdom Oasis Innovation Center, Zhejiang University
Industrial Design Center, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, China Light Industry Federation
Shaanxi University of Science and Technology Provincial Industrial Design Center
Silk Road Cultural Heritage and Innovative Design Research Center

Guangxi Normal University School of Design
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, School of Arts
College of Arts, Xi'an University of Science and Technology
Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design
Xi'an University of Technology, School of Arts and Media
College of Fashion and Art Design, Xi'an Engineering University
College of Art and Design, Xi'an University of Technology
Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTD
Zhejiang Fashion Design and Manufacturing Collaborative Innovation Center
Xi'an Industrial Design Association

General Assembly on-site

A steady stream of attendees in front of Hengzhi Technology's booth.

Hengzhi Technology Booth

Introducing neuroscience products to participating experts

forParticipating experts introduce neuroscience products

forParticipating experts introduce neuroscience products

General Assembly Sessions

Hengzheng Technology's booth in the exhibition hall

forParticipating experts introduce neuroscience products

SmartBCI Portable EEG combined with Cortivision Photon Cap Portable NIR

HengEyeglass Eye Movement Meter

General Assembly Reports

The regional head of HBT was invited to give a presentation on "Neurotechnology in Industrial Design".

Hengzhi Technology"Human Factors Technology Workshop in Industrial Design Research"

As a co-organizer of this annual conference, Hengzhi is confident in the development of the industrial design field and will continue to work on neuroscience in thelabordeedDesign FieldInnovation and cooperation to promote the progress of the industry. The company looks forward to exploring with more professionals in the design field in the future to build a more creative and influential industrial design future.
Thank you for the great support of friends from all walks of life, and we look forward to witnessing the exciting future of the industrial design field together with you!

Company Profile

Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTDIt is a new type of high-tech enterprise based on psychological human factors, driving human factors, biomechanics, user experience, virtual reality and other directions, integrating production, research and development, sales and technical services, and has been successfully selected for the list of high-tech enterprises in Zhongguancun.

The driving human factors system, virtual reality graphical editing software, light environment psychological assessment system and psychological and human factors experimental teaching system developed by Hengzhi Technology have entered the domestic market.
As the sole agent of Poland Cortivision NIR, Russia Mitsar EEG in China, the sole agent of Italy BTS surface EMG and other biomechanical and gait analysis products in China, and the sole agent of Netherlands Noldus Behavioral Science, Sweden Tobii Eye Motion Instrument, Netherlands MindMedia Physiology and Biofeedback, US Biopac Physiology, US ETT The domestic licensed agent of products such as olfactory/taste stimulator. The high-tech products operated have served the top universities and the highest level of scientific research units in China, including Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, Northeast Normal University, Yanshan University, Qiyuan Laboratory, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen University of Technology, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Shanghai University, the Second Institute of Aerospace, 27 and 28 of China Electronics Technology Group, while providing technical support for ink Netease, Huawei technology to provide technical support, in the field of talent training, scientific research cooperation, transformation of results and other scientific and technological areas of continuous in-depth cooperation.

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