
The First "Neuroscience Symposium" was Successfully Held to Explore the Frontier Neuroscience and Promote Academic Exchanges

The first "SincerelyTechnology Neuroscience Workshop" was successfully held on July 20-21, 2023 at Beijing Hengzhi Technology Co.this timesymposiumWith more than twenty participants from 15 different organizations.It aims to promote communication and cooperation in the field of neuroscience, and to promote the development and innovation of neuroscience research.

As a company focusing on neuroscience, the organization of this symposium also fully demonstrated the company's technical strength and academic influence in the field of neuroscience. The company will continue to increase the R&D investment in the field of neuroscience and continue to explore and innovate, so as to make more contributions to promote the cause of neuroscience.

beginning of a meetingclassifier for sporting or recreational activitiesMr. Li Jiahua, General Manager of Beijing Hengzhi Technology Co., Ltd. delivered a speech to warmly welcome the guests and introduced the significance of the first seminar.Neuroscience, as a science concerned with the human brain and nervous system, has important academic significance and broad application prospects.The symposium was held with the aim of strengthening cooperation and communication in the academic community and jointly promoting the further development of neuroscience.

On the morning of July 20, 2023, HBTS engineers introduced the functional characteristics and technical principles of functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to the participants in detail.

The fundamentals of NIR technology are first introduced, including key concepts such as the scattering and absorption of light.He elaborated on the different absorption properties of near-infrared light on hemoglobin and how changes in blood oxygen levels in brain regions can be inferred by measuring light signals under the scalp.This non-invasive neuroimaging technique offers a whole new perspective on studying brain activity.

The engineer then discussed in depth the importance of NIR experimental design. He emphasized the impact of experimental design on the quality of data and interpretation of results, and that a reasonable experimental design can improve the accuracy and reliability of research data and provide a more reliable basis for neuroscience researchers.

During the seminar, the engineers introduced to the participants with the example of Cortivision near infrared optical imaging system in Poland, which is represented by BestBelieve.The device integrates advanced near-infrared spectroscopy technology for portability and ease of use.It includes head-mounted sensors, wireless connectivity modules, providing researchers with more flexible and convenient options, making functional NIR spectroscopy more convenient for experimentation and application.

In order to provide participants with a better conference experience, tea breaks with pastries were prepared during the breaks.

On the afternoon of July 20, 2023.Through vivid schematics and clear language, the engineers introduced the basic principles and working mechanism of FNIRS to the participants, and explained in detail the precautions and technical points in the process of data acquisition and case studies to introduce the design and methods of experiments in depth.

Subsequently.hiring outUsing Cortivision NIR, the stroop task and the finger pinch ball experiment were successfully completed, and the reasons for the noise generated by the data and the change rule were explained in detail.

By using Cortivision NIR, researchers are able to acquire data on the activity of brain regions and analyze it. However, these data will generate a certain amount of noise during the generation process. The engineers explained in detail the reasons for this noise and the pattern of change.

They describe how the intensity and pattern of data-generating noise may vary under different tasks and experimental conditions.Understanding this pattern of change is important for correctly interpreting and analyzing the data, and can help researchers better understand and utilize Cortivision NIR in neuroscience.

Near-infrared brain functional imaging equipment is of great significance in advancing neuroscience research and technology. It provides us with a deeper understanding, helps us to reveal the mysteries of the human brain, and offers new ideas and methods for further research and applications in related fields.

On the morning of July 21, 2023, engineers detailed methods and techniques for data analysis using tools such as Homer3, NIRS-KIT, and MATLAB.

In the presentation, the engineer firstly introduced Homer3 software, which is an open source software that can be used for NIR spectral data processing and analysis. He explained the functions of Homer3 in data preprocessing, signal denoising, superposition averaging, etc., and shared some practical cases of data analysis using Homer3.

In addition, the engineer mentioned NIRS-KIT, a commonly used NIR spectroscopy equipment and accompanying software. He introduced the features and advantages of NIRS-KIT in data follow-up data processing and demonstrated to the participants how to use NIRS-KIT for data processing.

Finally, the engineer also introduced the application of MATLAB in NIR data analysis. He introduced MATLAB's capabilities in signal processing, statistical analysis and visualization, as well as some commonly used MATLAB toolboxes and function libraries. He also shared some examples of NIR data analysis using MATLAB and discussed how to optimize and automate the analysis process.

During the seminar, the engineers provided detailed answers to various questions and analyzed their experiences and insights for the attendees.

As the final part of the seminar, HBTS held a special ceremony to present the certificates of completion. During the ceremony, Sincere Technology presented all the participants with beautiful certificates to thank them for their active participation and contribution in the Neuroscience Symposium.
The "First Neuroscience Seminar" was successfully concluded in a warm atmosphere. The seminar provided an opportunity for the participants to exchange ideas and learn from each other! The seminar was highly evaluated by the participants after the meeting!

Company Profile
Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTDIt is a new type of high-tech enterprise based on psychological human factors, driving human factors, biomechanics, user experience, virtual reality and other directions, integrating production, research and development, sales and technical services, and has been successfully selected for the list of high-tech enterprises in Zhongguancun.

The driving human factors system, virtual reality graphical editing software, light environment psychological assessment system and psychological and human factors experimental teaching system developed by Hengzhi Technology have entered the domestic market.

As the sole agent of Poland Cortivision NIR, Russia Mitsar EEG in China, the sole agent of Italy BTS surface EMG and other biomechanical and gait analysis products in China, and the sole agent of Netherlands Noldus Behavioral Science, Sweden Tobii Eye Motion Instrument, Netherlands MindMedia Physiology and Biofeedback, US Biopac Physiology, US ETT The domestic licensed agent of products such as olfactory/taste stimulator. The high-tech products operated have served the top universities and the highest level of scientific research units in China, including Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, Northeast Normal University, Yanshan University, Qiyuan Laboratory, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen University of Technology, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Shanghai University, the Second Institute of Aerospace, 27 and 28 of China Electronics Technology Group, while providing technical support for ink Netease, Huawei technology to provide technical support, in the field of talent training, scientific research cooperation, transformation of results and other scientific and technological areas of continuous in-depth cooperation.

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