
The 2023 Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macau Innovation Design Youth Forum was a great success!

2023 Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macao Innovation Design Youth Academic Forum

From October 28th to 29th, 2023 Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macao Innovation Design Youth Academic Forum was held in Shenzhen University of Technology (SZUT), which attracted more than 200 delegates from more than 50 colleges and universities across the strait and in Hong Kong and Macao. Mr. Mingzhong, Vice President of SUT, Mr. Chen Qixiong, Vice President of Asia University in Taiwan, Mr. Su Zhonghe, Vice President of Shu-Te University of Science and Technology in Taiwan, Mr. He Renke, Director of Industrial Design Teaching Guidance Committee of Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education, Prof. He Renke, Director of Lushan Laboratory of Hunan Province, Prof. Yu Suihuai of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Vice President of Industrial Design Association of China, Prof. To Benlin, Director of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and NVIDIA Joint Research Center, and Prof. Benjamin To, Director of Joint Research Center of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and NVIDIA, Mr. Chu Tak Lam, Associate Vice President of City University of Macau and Mr. Wong Pak Hoon, Executive Vice Dean of the School of Innovation and Design.

At the opening ceremony, Prof. Su Zhonghe, Vice President of Shude Technology University, Taiwan, and Prof. Ming Zhong, Vice President of Shenzhen University of Technology, signed and exchanged cooperation agreements, and Prof. Hsu Yan, Associate Dean of the School of Design of Tatung University, Taiwan, and Prof. Du Hemin, Associate Dean of the School of Creative Design of Shenzhen University of Technology, exchanged cooperation agreements between the two universities. After preliminary exchanges and communications, Shenzhen University of Technology and Taiwan Shude Institute of Science and Technology, Cosmos University of Taiwan reached a cooperation intention, laying a good foundation for academic exchanges, teacher-student exchanges, industrial transformation and other aspects of cooperation. After the opening ceremony, the invited guests made theme reports on "Collaboration and Design Innovation", focusing on innovative design in the context of AI, cultural heritage and design innovation, city image shaping, and training of innovative design talents.

Prof. Mingzhong, Vice President of Shenzhen University of Technology, extended a warm welcome to the guests, experts and scholars who came all the way to participate in the forum. He pointed out that with the continuous progress of science and technology and growing social demand, creative design has become a key element to promote economic growth and improve the quality of life. Shenzhen University of Technology, located in the hot spot at the forefront of China's reform and opening up, is a university full of vigor and innovation. We are committed to cultivating high-level engineers, designers and other high-quality applied talents at the undergraduate level and above with international vision, craftsmanship and innovation and entrepreneurship. We hope that through the organization of this forum, we can strengthen mutual exchanges, cooperation and learning with young designers from across the Taiwan Strait, Hong Kong and Macao, and together we can promote the progress in the field of design, so as to make greater contributions to better serve the society and inherit the culture.

The forum will enter the sub-forum mode on October 29, with more than 30 young teachers and doctoral and master's degree students from colleges and universities across the Taiwan Strait, Hong Kong and Macao carrying out thematic sharing reports on topics such as intelligent design and design innovation, experience and service design, health and well-being and human factors engineering, friendly environment and sustainable design, and design education and industrial development. In the afternoon, the guests will also have a driverless car experience and visit the laboratory and exhibition hall of the School of Creative Design of Shenzhen University of Technology.

2023 Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macao Innovation Design Youth Academic Forum is guided by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government and organized by Shenzhen University of Technology. The forum is another innovation design academic exchange event of Shenzhen University of Technology after the 2020 Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macao Innovation Design Youth Academic Forum, which is of great social significance to strengthen the connection and cooperation between universities and innovation design academic organizations across the Strait, Hong Kong and Macao, and to promote young scientists and technologists to provide intellectual support for economic and social development.

General Assembly on-site

Hengzhi Technology Booth

Group photo of the regional head of Hengzhi Technology and President Du Hemin.

Henderson Technology: Neurotechnology Fundamentals in Innovation Design Research Workshop

The workshop on Neurotechnology Fundamentals in Innovative Design Research, organized by the conference co-organizer Beijing Hengzhi Technology Co., Ltd, saw participants actively interacting with each other, asking questions and exchanging ideas to promote the development of neurotechnology fundamentals.

Sharing by technical engineers

WorkshopsActive participation of participating experts and scholars

Company Profile

Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTDIt is a new type of high-tech enterprise based on psychological human factors, driving human factors, biomechanics, user experience, virtual reality and other directions, integrating production, research and development, sales and technical services, and has been successfully selected for the list of high-tech enterprises in Zhongguancun.

The driving human factors system, virtual reality graphical editing software, light environment psychological assessment system and psychological and human factors experimental teaching system developed by Hengzhi Technology have entered the domestic market.
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