
EEG Series, Phase I: A First Look at EEG and the Relationship between EEG and ERP

First acquaintance with EEG, the relationship between EEG and ERP

In recent years, with the advancement of technology and the development of society, more and more researchers have started to focus on the human brain, and EEG research as an important research modality in brain science has therefore received more attention. However, when you first encounter EEG research, it is often difficult to understand and implement specific studies due to the lack of knowledge. In this series, we will introduce you to the basic principles of EEG and how to conduct your own EEG experiments.

The so-called EEG is the electricity produced by the brain.

The first human EEG signal was captured by German psychiatrist Hans Berger in 1924, and he named it Electroencephalogram (EEG), or electroencephalogram, which is often referred to as brain waves. This EEG waveform, which looks like a sine wave, was the first to be discovered, so people adopted the first Greek letter alpha to name it, calling it an alpha wave.

Existing EEG acquisition modalities are divided into three main categories: invasive, semi-invasive and non-invasive:
Invasive means that electrodes are implanted directly into the cerebral cortex, such as through surgery, which allows for high-quality neural signals, but carries high safety risks and costs; semi-invasive means that cortical electrodes are implanted into the cranial cavity, but outside of the cerebral cortex, and information is analyzed primarily based on cortical electroencephalography (ECoG); non-invasive means that there is no need to invade the brain through, but simply by attaching to the scalp Non-invasive means that the brain information is recorded and interpreted by a wearable device attached to the scalp.

Note: The research methods presented in this paper are all non-invasive and non-invasive.

In EEG studies, many authors will say in the title of the literature that their study is an EEG or ERP study. Some of you may have questions about this: is EEG an EEG or an ERP, and what exactly is the relationship between them?

EEG is a spontaneously generated irregular periodic EEG changes in the human brain, with complex and irregular components and amplitude generally in the range of 10~100uV. According to the frequency band of EEG, it can be divided into delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma and other specific frequency bands of EEG. As long as a person is alive, the human brain will produce EEG every moment.

ERP, also known as event-related potentials, are weaker than spontaneous EEG, typically only 2 to 10 microvolts, and are usually submerged in spontaneous EEG, so ERP requires the use of certain techniques to be extracted from EEG. ERP has a constant waveform and latency, which is why it can be separated by superimposed averaging.

All ERP waveforms are time-locked and phase-locked. Time-locked means that changes in the brain's response to stimulus events relative to baseline occur within the same time period, i.e., latency is constant; phase-locked means that the energy values of the brain's response to stimuli change in the same direction based on baseline, i.e., the waveform is constant.

To be clear, both EEG and ERP are brain waves. ERP is a brain wave with constant waveform and latency formed when we intercept the EEG segments when specific stimuli appear in the experimental task through technical means because of research needs, and then these EEG segments are superimposed and averaged.

There are two important prerequisites for ERP component separation by superimposed averaging. The first one is that in the resting state, the neuronal firing in our brain is complex and irregular, and the EEG waveforms are not time-locked or phase-locked, which can be approximately offset and smoothed out after multiple superimposed averaging; the second one is that the components triggered by task events are time-locked and phase-locked, which will not be offset when superimposed, as shown in the above figure.

So the above is what we share today, hope it can bring you some inspiration.

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