
Countdown 1 day | 2023 6th NeuroAccounting and NeuroManagement Symposium Conference Announcement

I. Notification of the Conference

The 6th Neuroaccounting and Neuromanagement Symposium is scheduled to be held on December 9-10, 2023 at Beijing Normal University. The theme of the conference is "Organizational Value Creation and Mechanisms of Neuroaccounting and Neuromanagement in the Age of Digital Intelligence". This year's conference will include a workshop session, in which professional scholars will introduce the basic principles of cognitive neural-related devices and their application and operation in neuroaccounting research. The School of Management of Shanghai University has joined the initiating unit since the beginning of this conference, which is co-organized by the School of Economics and Business Administration of Beijing Normal University, the School of Management of Xiamen University and the School of Management of Shanghai University, and the Cognitive Neuromanagement Laboratory of the School of Economics and Business Administration of Beijing Normal University, and co-organized by the Neuromanagement and Neuroengineering Research Association of the Chinese Society of Management Science and Engineering, and the Beijing Hengzhi Science and Technology Co. Scholars from related fields at home and abroad are cordially invited to register for the conference.

II. Organization of the session


College of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing Normal University

School of Management, Xiamen University

Shanghai University School of Management


College of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing Normal University

Cognitive Neuromanagement Laboratory


Neuromanagement and Neuroengineering Research Society of the Chinese Society of Management Science and Engineering

Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTD

 III. Schedule of meetings

Venue: 9406 Jingshi Building, Beijing Normal University (see program for sub-forum locations)

structural particle: used before a verb or adjective, linking it preceding the verb or adjectiveAddress: Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District, Beijing, ChinaNo. 19.

Meeting dates: December 9-10, 2023

IV. Introduction of Speakers

 Luo Zuo, Provost's Chair of Accounting and Finance, National University of Singapore (NUS), Director of the PhD Program in Accounting at NUS, and President of the North American Association of Chinese Accounting Professors (NAACAP), is a member of the Editorial Board of The Accounting Review, an Associate Editor of Management Science and the Journal of Accounting and Economics, and a member of the Editorial Board of the Review of Accounting Studies. He is a member of the editorial board of The Accounting Review, an associate editor of Management Science and Journal of Accounting and Economics, and a member of the editorial board of Review of Accounting Studies. He was the faculty director of the Cornell-Tsinghua Finance MBA program and the faculty director of the Cornell-HKUST partnership. A longtime researcher at the intersection of accounting and finance, his current research examines the role of individual decision makers in shaping observed accounting phenomena and has been published in the Journal of Accounting Research, Management Science, Contemporary Accounting Research, The Journal of Accounting Research, Management Science, Contemporary Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Review of Finance, and other top international accounting and finance journals, and has published more than 20 papers. He has received the Cornell-Tsinghua Finance MBA Program Best Teaching Award, the Roger Martin Emerging Leader Award from the University of Toronto, the Excellence in Accounting Research Reviewer Award, the FARS Distinguished Discussion Award from the American Accounting Association, the Johnson School Accelerated MBA Core Faculty Award, and the Johnson School Faculty Research Award. Research has been published in The Economist, The NBER Digest, The Wall Street Journal and many other media outlets.

 Hong Qu, Associate Professor of Accounting at Kennesaw State University, Associate Editor of Journal of Accounting Research, has served on the Research and Development Committee and Faculty Recruitment Committee at Kennesaw State University. He has a long history of applying experimental research methods to the theoretical study of accounting, economics, and organizational behavior. His main areas of research include how public disclosure affects price efficiency, how investors deal with accounting disclosures, and how coordinated incentives affect investor decisions to analyze accounting disclosures. He has published articles in Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Economics Letters and other top international journals, and he has published many academic papers in Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Economics Letters and other top international journals. He has published many academic papers in top international journals, such as Journal of Accounting Research, Management Science, Accounting, Organization and Society, Review of Accounting Studies, Contemporary Accounting Research, etc. He has served as an editor of more than ten international journals. He has served as an invited reviewer for more than ten international journals.

Li Jianbiao, Distinguished Professor of Shandong University, Director of Shandong University Brain-like Economics Research Center, Doctoral Supervisor of Shandong University School of Economics, winner of the Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Achievements (Graduate Students) of the Ministry of Education. He is also the director of the Experimental Research Center of China Institute of Corporate Governance, Nankai University, and the director of Zelten Laboratory of Nankai University; the director of the Teaching Guidance Committee of the National Key Experimental Teaching Base of Liberal Arts (South China University of Technology); the policy consultant of Tianjin Municipal People's Government; and the vice president of the National Society of Experimental Economics and Game Theory Research. Dedicated to behavioral and neurological corporate governance, experimental economics, neuroeconomics, neurofinance, he has published more than 150 papers in Management Science, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Behavioural Brain Research, Economics (Quarterly), Management World, and other journals. He has published more than 150 papers in Management Science, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Behavioural Brain Research, Economics (Quarterly), and Management World. He is the chairperson of the major and key projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China, four surface projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and three major projects of the Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education.

Cui Xuegang is the vice dean of the School of Economics and Business Administration of Beijing Normal University, the director of the Cognitive Neural Management Laboratory, professor of accounting and doctoral supervisor. He was selected as one of the New Century Outstanding Talents of the Ministry of Education, Famous Accounting Talents of the Ministry of Finance, Beijing Famous Teachers, the first batch of National Accounting Leading Talents (Academic), the National Accounting Leading Talents Special Support Program, and the Beijing Social Science Theory and Theory Young and Middle-aged "Hundred Talents Project". He is also a doctoral supervisor at the Business School of the University of Southampton, an associate editor of Economics and Politics, a member of the Financial Management Committee of the Chinese Accounting Association, and a council member of the Chinese Society of International Finance. He has presided over more than 10 national and provincial projects, such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Social Science Foundation of China, etc. He has published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Neuroscience, Abacus, International Journal of Finance and Economics, China Economic Review, and the International Journal of Finance and Economics, etc. He is also the deputy editor of Economics and Politics. He has published more than 100 papers in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Neuroscience, Abacus, International Journal of Finance and Economics, China Economic Review, Finance research Letters, Accounting Research, Economics Dynamics, Nankai Management Review and other domestic and international academic journals, published 10 monographs, 2 invention patents, 1 software copyright, and was awarded the Yang Ji-Wan Award for Excellence in Accounting. He has been awarded the Yang Ji-wan Accounting Award for Outstanding Accounting Monographs, China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Award (Individual) and other awards.

Yasheng Chen, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of the Department of Accounting, Xiamen University, Canadian Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Management Accountant (ACMA), Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA), received his PhD degree from the Yiwei School of Business of the University of Western Ontario, Canada, and taught at the University of Western Ontario and Simon Fraser University for 10 years in Canada. His research interests include neuroaccounting, management accounting theory, management control system design, and the application of artificial intelligence in accounting. He has presided over three projects of the Canadian National Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation, one project of the National Accounting Association of Canada, two projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and two projects of the Fujian Provincial Higher Education Leading Talents Funding Program, and participated in the major projects of the Humanities and Social Sciences Key Research Base of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, as well as the research projects of the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China in the field of managerial accounting. He has published in Journal of Accounting Research, Accounting and Finance, World Economy, Current Psychology, Sustainability, Journal of International Accounting Research and other top international accounting journals. Journal of Accounting Research, Accounting and Finance, World Economy, Current Psychology, Sustainability, Journal of International Accounting Research, etc. He has published a number of papers in leading international accounting journals and domestic and international academic journals. Currently, he is engaged in research topics including construction of AI agents based on neural activity features, application of AI algorithms in enterprise digital transformation, and valuation and accounting disclosure of enterprise data resources.

Tao Liu is an associate professor at the School of Management, Shanghai University, a researcher at the Shanghai Research Center for Enterprise Innovation and High Quality Development, a part-time researcher at the Laboratory of Neuromanagement at the School of Management, Zhejiang University, and a part-time Distinguished Professor at Fujian Medical University. He has been selected for the Zhijiang Young Scholars in Social Sciences, Qianjiang Talents, Minjiang Scholars and other talent programs. He is the deputy secretary of Neuroeconomic Management Committee of China Society of Economics and Technology, and a member of Engineering Psychology Committee of China Psychological Association. His research interests include neural management, entrepreneurial decision-making, culture and branding. He has published nearly 50 SSCI/SCI papers in high level journals such as Long Range Planning, Psychology & Marketing, Neuroimage, Human Brain Mapping, Ergonomics, Accident Analysis and Prevention. He has presided over 7 national and provincial research projects, won 1 national invention patent, and written policy consulting reports that have been positively approved by provincial and ministerial leaders and adopted by the Ministry of Education and other relevant departments.

V. Keynote presenters

Weihui Dai is a professor in the Department of Information Management and Business Intelligence, School of Management, Fudan University. Currently, he is the managementExecutive Director of the Society for Physical Science and Engineering and Chairman of the Neural Management and Neuroengineering Division,Standing member of the Neuroeconomics and Management Committee of the Chinese Society of Technical Economics, China ComputingExecutive member of the Shanghai Chapter of the Society for Machine Science and Technology, Chinese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Social Computing and Social IntelligenceMember of Specialized Committee, China Physicians Association Expert Committee on Research and Translation of Endoluminal AngiologyVice Chairman and independent director of listed companies.The main focus is on neuromanagement and neural engineering,Human-computer collaboration and hybrid intelligence, socio-economic-ecological community modeling research.Served as a philosopher in the Ministry of EducationChief expert of major projects in social sciences, presided over the National 863 Project, the National Natural FundNational and provincial scientific research projects, such as the project, the National Social Science Foundation, the National Key New Product Project, the International Cooperation Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and so on.He has published more than 200 papers in SCI, EI and domestic core journals. He has published more than 200 papers in SCI, EI and domestic core journals, and has been awarded the National Science and Technology Academic Publication Fund.He has published six major academic works with financial support from the University of California, Berkeley.The first prize of National Commercial Science and Technology Progress Award, Shanghai Science and Technology Award, and the first prize of National Commercial Science and Technology Progress Award, Shanghai Science and Technology Award, as the first complete authorSecond Prize of Progress Award, Second Prize of Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Progress Award, Second Prize of China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Achievement Award, China National18 awards for scientific and technological achievements, such as the Outstanding Product Award of the International Hi-Tech Fair, and "Outstanding Member" of the China Computer Federation (CCF).Honored as a nominee for the Tencent Foundation's Scientific Exploration Award.

Zhang Huili, Professor, College of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing Normal University, Doctoral Supervisor, YiThe University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) is the largest university in the United States.anaChampaign, UIUC) Visiting Scholar, selected in December 2015 for the Department of the Treasury'sNational AccountantMilitary personnel (academic category).In Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, ManagementWorld, Accounting Research, Financial Research, and other leading international and national academic journals.He has written more than 30 scientific papers, and presided over 2 National Natural Science Foundation of China projects and 1 Ministry of Education Humanities project.He was awarded the Second Prize of Annual Excellent Paper by the Ministry of Finance and the Chinese Accounting Association,Peking University Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, National MBA Teaching Guidance Committee "100 Excellent Dissertations in China".The first prize of Beijing Normal University Young Teachers' Teaching Basic Skills Competition and the first prize of Beijing Normal University Jingshi Yingcai,He has received several research or teaching awards, including the Beijing Normal University Liwei Outstanding Young Teacher Award and the Beijing Normal University Quality Graduate Program Award.

Li Yuanqin is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Management, Shanghai University. Focusing on formal system and nonA study of the micro-mechanisms of the formal system.Presided over a number of projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the provincial and ministerial departments.There are more than 10 projects at the national level.In Journal of Business Research Journal of Systems ManagementPublished a number of papers in journals such as Management Review; honored with the "National 100 Outstanding Management Cases" award2Psalm.
Honghong Tang, Lecturer, School of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing Normal University, Cognitive NeuromanagementKey member of the laboratory. His research interests include neuromanagement and marketing, consumer psychology and behavior,Emotions and Decision Making, Ethics and Business Ethics, Group Decision Making, with a primary focus on psychology and cognitiveTheory and research methods of neuroscience in areas such as organizational management and marketing.He is the chair of the National Natural Science Youth Foundation of China and the China Postdoctoral Foundation, and has participated in a number of projects.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), published more than 20 SSCI papers, research resultsPublished in Journal of Business Research, Social Cognitive & Affective. Neuroscience, Cortex, Neuroscience, Journal of Experimental Social 
Psychology, Journal of Psychology, Advances in Psychological Science, and other journals.

VI. Costs of the Conference

The conference fee for non-student participants is 1000 RMB/person, and the conference fee for students is 400 RMB/person. Selected report papers are exempted from the conference fee for one author. The conference will provide conference materials and meals during the conference, and the transportation and accommodation costs are at your own expense. Online payment and invoicing are available, please scan the QR code for payment.

Payment QR code

VII. Registration and Hotel Reservation

Please scan the QR code to register for the conference, the deadline for registration is December 8th. According to the registration information, the conference organizer will handle the admission procedures and assist in hotel booking. Recommended hotels for the conference are Beijing Normal University Jingshi Mansion (on campus, suites only), Holiday Inn Huayu (off-campus), recommended hotels enjoy the conference agreement price, at your own expense. Since the hotel rooms are very tight, please register as early as possible. In addition to the recommended hotels for the conference, there are also nearby hotels available (see Annex I), so participating teachers are requested to make reservations on their own, but they cannot enjoy the conference agreement price.

Conference Registration QR Code

VIII. Conference services

College of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing Normal University

School of Management, Xiamen University

Shanghai University School of Management

IX. School map

Annex I: Hotels in the vicinity of schools

Hotel Name



Distance from North Division

contact number

Holiday Inn Express Beijing Deshengmen Huayu

high class

Deshengmenwai Street, Xicheng District71.



Beipu Science and Technology Hotel

high class

Xitucheng Road, Haidian DistrictNumber 10.



Ru Jia (Bei Taipingzhuang Branch)

economy model

Haidian District, North Third Ring Middle Road B40Next to Gome Electrical Appliances



Ruijia (Xiaoxitian)

economy model

Wenhuiyuan diagonal street, Xinjiekouwai Avenue, Haidian District6No. (East of Wenhui Bridge)200meters to the south30(meters)



Ruijia (Jishuitan)

economy model

Zhiqiang North Park, Wenhuiyuan, Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District30horn (wind instrument)



velocity8(Beitaipingzhuang Store)

economy model

Xinjiekouwai Street, Xicheng District2-6horn (wind instrument)



7Tian (Beijing Normal University)

economy model

Xinfeng Street, Deshengmenwai, Xicheng District3Inside the courtyard (west of Xinfeng Street)120(meters)


010-62362899 / 010-62035833

Hanting (Beijing Jishuitan)

economy model

South College Road, Haidian DistrictNo. 4



Annex II: Transportation routes

Capital International Airport-Beijing Normal University

Option 1: Take a cab for about 60 minutes at a cost of about 100 RMB.

Option 2: Take the airport bus to Beitaipingzhuang Station, costing 24 RMB.

Option 3: Take the Airport Express to Dongzhimen, transfer to Line 2 and get off at Jishuitan. Exit Exit C of Jishuitan Subway Station and take No. 22, No. 47, No. 88, etc. at the Beijing Normal University Station, which will cost you about RMB 18.

Beijing West Railway Station-Beijing Normal University

Option 1: Take a cab for about 40 minutes at a cost of about $40.

Option 2: Take Subway Line 9 (direction of National Library) from Beijing West Railway Station to National Library Station (Exit B), then transfer to Bus No. 92 and get off at the South Gate of Beijing Normal University.

Beijing South Railway Station-Beijing Normal University

Option 1: It takes about 53 minutes by cab and costs about $42.

Option 2: Take subway line 4 Daxing from Beijing South Railway Station (north direction of Anheqiao) to Xuanwumen Station and transfer to line 2, go to Jishuitan Station (Exit C), transfer to No. 22 (or No. 88, No. 47, etc.) at Jishuitan South Station, and walk north for about 100 meters.

Beijing Station-Beijing Normal University

Option 1: Take a cab for about 40 minutes at a cost of about $40.

Option 2: Take Subway Line 2 (Outer Ring) from Beijing Station to Jishuitan Station (Exit C), then go to Jishuitan South Station and transfer to Bus No. 22 (or No. 88, No. 47, etc.) and get off at Beijing Normal University Station, walk north for about 100 meters.

The above times and costs are estimated under smooth traffic conditions. Considering that some roads in Beijing may be congested, the actual time and cost may vary.

Annex III: Conference Handbook

Scan the code to download the conference brochure

Company Profile

Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTDIt is a new type of high-tech enterprise based on psychological human factors, driving human factors, biomechanics, user experience, virtual reality and other directions, integrating production, research and development, sales and technical services, and has been successfully selected for the list of high-tech enterprises in Zhongguancun.

The driving human factors system, virtual reality graphical editing software, light environment psychological assessment system and psychological and human factors experimental teaching system developed by Hengzhi Technology have entered the domestic market.
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