
The 2nd Workshop on Cognitive Communication Research Techniques and Methods was successfully held!

July 2-5The Second Workshop on Techniques and Methods of Cognitive Communication Research and the First Forum on Cognitive Communication Research MethodsThe conference was successfully held at the School of Journalism and Communication of Jinan University. Mr. Ouyang Hongsheng, President of Cognitive Communication Society of China, Mr. Zhi Tingrong, Secretary of the Party Committee of School of Journalism and Communication of Jinan University, Mr. Luo Xin, Vice Dean of the Party Committee of Jinan University, and Professor Zhang Xiaoxia, Professor of the School of Journalism and Communication of Jinan University, were present at the conference, and more than 60 participants from over 30 universities in China, such as Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, South China University of Science and Technology, Jilin University, Liaoning University, Hebei University, Jinan University and other universities attended the conference. More than 60 young teachers and doctoral students from more than 30 universities in China attended the conference to discuss the cutting-edge issues and future development in the field of cognitive communication theory and research methodology. The opening ceremony of the workshop and forum was hosted by Prof. Yan Qing, Vice President of the Cognitive Communication Society of China and Professor of the School of Journalism and Communication of Jinan University.

This workshop is co-sponsored by the China Society of Cognitive Communication and the School of Journalism and Communication of Jinan University, organized by the School of Journalism and Communication of Jinan University, co-organized by Beijing Hengzhi Technology Co., Ltd. and with academic support from the Dongyue Journal. The course covers the core theories of cognitive communication research, research methods and measurements, experimental method design process, galvanic skin response, as well as eye tracking technology, electroencephalography, and the principles and applications of expression analysis technology, etc. The workshop is organized by the Chinese Society of Cognitive Communication, School of Journalism and Communication, Jinan University.

In his opening speech, Ouyang Hongsheng introduced the development status of the cognitive communication branch in the field of journalism and communication and the research team, outlined the development of related theories, and highly affirmed the significance of the construction of the cognitive communication discipline.

On behalf of the School of Journalism and Communication of Jinan University, Luo Xin expressed his warm welcome to the guests, young teachers and students. He pointed out that cognitive communication, as an emerging sub-discipline in the field of communication, focuses the study of communication on human beings, which provides a possibility for communication research to go deeper.

Liu Jiawei, a lecturer at the School of Journalism and Communication of Jinan University, spoke on behalf of the keynote speakers. She said that the workshop provides professional and systematic training for young scholars interested in cognitive communication, and hoped that they can learn and use cognitive communication methods and techniques, relying on the path of theory combined with methodology, and continue to innovate the academic results of journalism and communication.

At the 2nd Cognitive Communication Research Techniques and Methods Workshop and the 1st Cognitive Communication Research Methods Forum, the technical engineers from HBT introduced to the participants the Cortivision Photon cap, a portable near infrared optical brain imaging system (fNIRS) specialized in functional measurements of cerebral hemodynamic response. With high-quality transmitters and detectors, the system is capable of non-invasively monitoring activity in selected areas of the cerebral cortex, providing accurate functional brain imaging data. During the presentation, the engineers demonstrated in detail the operation process and application scenarios of the system, which aroused great attention and appreciation from the experts and scholars present.

The Regional Manager of HedgeSPA presented a paper entitled "Neurotechnology in Cognitive Communication - A Multimodal Experimental Approach Based on EEG and fNIRS". The presentation explored the multimodal application of EEG and fNIRS in cognitive communication research. Using case studies and experimental data, the Regional Manager demonstrated how these two techniques can be used in combination to obtain more comprehensive and accurate brain activity data to advance cognitive science research. The presentation was informative, demonstrated cutting-edge research methods and techniques, and attracted lively discussions and exchanges among many scholars.

Workshop Review

- July 2 Course

Rachel Bailey, director of the Communication Communication Laboratory at Florida State University, introduced the participants to the definition of cognitive communication and related concepts, and provided insight into its application to the field of journalism and communication.

Chen Guangyao, Associate Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication of Jinan University and Executive Director of the Chinese Society of Cognitive Communication, explained the principles of eye tracking technology to the students with the theme of "Principles and Applications of Eye Tracking Technology", and combined with specific cases to show how to apply the technology to complete specific research.

Focusing on the core theories of cognitive communication, Liu Jiawei, a lecturer at the School of Journalism and Communication of Jinan University, gave an in-depth introduction to relevant paradigms and theories such as behaviorism, conditioned reflexes, LC4MP, DHCCST, etc., and explained the measurement methods on dimensions such as attention and emotions with practical experience.


- July 3 Course

Chen Guangyao, Associate Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication of Jinan University, presented in detail all the design processes covered by the experimental method, from the core concepts of experimental design to the specific operational level and then to the writing of the final research report.

Mr. Yang Fan of the University of South Florida took expression analysis technology as the theme, combined with specific technical support software to gradually explain the overall idea of expression analysis and related core concepts, through the live case demonstration, gradually leading the students to understand and master the experimental specific operation steps.


- July 4 Course

Christopher Noland, Associate Professor from the University of South Florida, explained in detail to the participants the application of skin electric response technology in the field of journalism and communication from the basic concepts, principles, specific operation, data processing, etc. Immediately after, the engineers of Beijing Hengzhi Technology Co., Ltd. carried out an operation demonstration of the near-infrared electroencephalogram imaging system.

Deng Yalin, lecturer of State Key Laboratory of Media Convergence and Communication of Communication University of China, explained EEG technology and its practical application to the students from the neural principle of EEG, EEG equipment, signal pre-processing, ERP principle, etc.; after that, the engineers of Beijing Hengzhi Science and Technology Co., Ltd. conducted the operation demonstration of Russian Smart BCI EEG instrument for the students.


At the closing ceremony, Zhi Tingrong, Yang Fan, Chen Guangyao and Deng Yalin presented certificates of completion to the participants. Associate Professor Huang Yitong of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Professor Chen Xuxin of Jiangxi Normal University and Dr. Wan Xin of Southwest University of Political Science and Law expressed their thoughts on the completion of the program as representatives of the participants. Secretary Zhi Tingrong pointed out in his concluding remarks that cognitive communication is an emerging field in communication, and that the School of Journalism and Communication of Jinan University will speed up the construction of the Cognitive Communication Laboratory in the hope that more scholars will come to Jinan University in the future for study and exchange.

On the morning of the 5th, the opening ceremony of the First Cognitive Communication Research Methods Forum was held in the Second Liberal Arts Building. Zeng Yiguo, Vice Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication of Jinan University, delivered a speech. Zeng Yiguo firstly introduced the basic situation of the School of Journalism and Communication to the guests, and he pointed out that the field of cognitive communication is a cutting-edge direction, and this workshop and forum have great value and significance.


In the keynote speech session, Professor Zhong Bu, Dean and Professor of the School of Communication of Hong Kong Baptist University, and Professor Teng Fei of South China Normal University reported and displayed their latest personal research results respectively.

Subsequently, a seminar on the preparation of the textbook "Introduction to Cognitive Communication" was held. Fifteen experts and scholars, including Tang Tiantian, Associate Professor of Southwest University, Yang Mei, Associate Professor of Xihua Normal University, Yang Ya, Associate Professor of Beijing Normal University, Li Fengping, Associate Professor of Yunnan University, and Wu Wenshi, Professor of Northeast Normal University, made reference suggestions on the content layout and innovations of each chapter of the textbook.


In the afternoon, four sub-forums were held simultaneously. In the sub-forums, young teachers and doctoral and master's students conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on several research directions of cognitive communication. Participants shared their research results and academic insights through presentations, exchanges and discussions. Eight experts and scholars, including Wendy Yu from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Ya-Ling Deng from the Communication University of China, Guang-Yao Chen from Jinan University, Yan Zhang from Shenzhen University, Jing-Wen Zhu from Chengdu University, Fei Qiao from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Mei Yang from Xihua Normal University, and Yitong Huang from Shanghai Jiaotong University, acted as moderators and panelists and conducted lively interactive exchanges with the participants.


The closing ceremony was hosted by Associate Prof. Guangyao Chen. Lecturer Ying Wan of Hebei Normal University, Associate Prof. Jingwen Zhu of Chengdu University, Lecturer Dan Zhang of Jinan University, and Lecturer Fei Qiao of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies delivered speeches as representatives of the sub-forums. Prof. Zeng Yiguo expressed his gratitude to the participants and staff in his concluding speech, and said he looked forward to seeing his peers at the 2nd Cognitive Communication Research Methods Forum in 2025. The forum was closed with warm applause from the participants.

Company Profile

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