
Sincerely co-organized | Notification of 2024 Intelligent Human-Machine-Environment Engineering Frontier Forum (Round 1)

I. Theme of the session

Theme: "Intelligent Human-Machine-Environment Engineering" in the context of disciplinary integration

"Intelligent human-machine-environment engineering integrates human factors engineering, psychology, various environmental testing and other disciplines, and in recent years, it has been rapidly developed in the fields of aviation, aerospace, navigation, industrial design, machinery manufacturing, transportation engineering, civil engineering construction, etc., and the attributes of disciplinary crossover and fusion are more and more prominent. In this context, this Frontier Forum is organized by the Human-Machine-Environmental Systems Engineering Committee of the Chinese Society of Systems Engineering, the Human-Machine Engineering Committee of the Chinese Society of Ergonomics, the Engineering Psychology Committee of the Chinese Psychological Association, and the Engineering Construction Management Committee of the Chinese Society of Economics and Technology, totaling four academic societies in the field of "Intelligent Human-Machine-Environmental Engineering". It is co-sponsored and organized by four academic groups in the field of "intelligent human-machine-environmental engineering", aiming to break down the barriers of disciplines, create a communication platform for the academic and industrial counterparts related to "intelligent human-machine-environmental engineering", and promote the development of "intelligent human-machine-environmental engineering" in the new era. "The conference will be held at the same time. At the same time, the annual meeting of the Human-Machine Engineering Committee of the Chinese Society for Human Ergonomics will be held.

II. Organizers and sponsors

Hosted by
Human-Machine-Environmental Systems Engineering Committee of the Chinese Society of Systems Engineering (CSE)
Ergonomics Committee of the Chinese Society for Human Ergonomics
Engineering Psychology Committee of the Chinese Psychological Association
China Society of Economics and Technology, Engineering Construction Management Committee

University of Science and Technology Beijing

Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTD
Wuhan Institute of Human Factors Engineering and Technology
Shenzhen Institute of Human Factors Engineering Technology
Guangdong Institute of Human Factors Technology
Human-Computer Environment Measurement and Evaluation Research Branch of the Pacific Society of China

Supporting Journals:
EI Journal of Engineering Science
Modern Applied Physics, Chinese Science and Technology Core Journal
Continuously updated...

III. Time and place of the meeting

Time:August 10-11, 2024
LocationUniversity of Science and Technology Beijing Xiongan Campus

IV. Fees and charges

The rates are listed below:

The conference registration fee will be collected by the Chinese Society of Systems Engineering, please register and pay by WeChat:

Remittance Registration Method Account Name of Party A: Chinese Society of Systems Engineering

Bank of Account: ICBC Haidian West Sub-branch

Account number: 0200004509089150336

Remarks: Please indicate "2024 Intelligent Human-Machine-Environment Engineering Frontier Forum" + name in the payment.

V. Meeting contacts

1. General Assembly contact person:
Li Jiahua 18500350004, lijiahua@everloyal.com.cn
2. Contact person for the Human-Machine-Environment Systems Engineering Committee of the Chinese Society of Systems Engineering:
Mengmeng Wang amon15116941655@163.com
3. Contact person for the Ergonomics Committee of the Chinese Society for Ergonomics:
Kim Xiaoping jinxp@cau.edu.cn
4. Contact person for the Engineering Psychology Committee of the Chinese Psychological Association:
Zhang Liang zhangl@psych.ac.cn
5. Contact person for the Professional Committee on Engineering Construction Management of the Chinese Society of Economics and Technology:
Fu Hanliang neuromanage_in_eng@vip.163.com

Add QR code to join the contact group of 2024 Intelligent Human-Machine-Environment Engineering Frontier Forum

VI. Organization of the session

Participating experts, scholars and related enterprises and institutions will carry out academic activities around the following topics, the specific forms include and are not limited to: expert forums, paper presentations, results release, product demonstrations, training workshops and so on.
Conference Program:
August 10th morning:report (news)
August 10, afternoon:International New Product Exchange
August 10th night:Henderson Workshops/Specialized Committee Meetings/Youth Reporting Forums
August 11th morning:Opening/keynote presentations
Aug. 11 PM:Keynote presentations/parallel breakout sessions/closing ceremony

Development of sub-forums:
Sub-forum I:Sub-forum on personnel status monitoring
Sub-forum II:Sub-forum on Human-Machine System Design and Evaluation
Sub-forum III:Security Alert and Interaction Scenarios Sub-forum
Sub-forum IV:Human Factors in Construction sub-forum
Sub-forum V:Medical-industrial integration sub-forum
Sub-forum VI:Environmental Testing Sub-Forum

VII. Introduction to the Specialized Committee

1. Human-Machine-Environment Systems Engineering Committee of the Chinese Society of Systems Engineering.The Human-Machine-Environment Systems Engineering Committee was established in October 1993 to promote the vigorous development of human-machine-environment systems engineering theories and applications in China and the world.Human-machine-environment system engineering is a comprehensive and marginal technical science born in China in 1981 under the personal guidance of the great scientist Qian Xuesen.Human-machine-environment system engineering is a science that utilizes the theory of system science and the method of system engineering to correctly deal with the relationship between the three elements of human beings, machines and the environment, and to thoroughly study the optimal combination of human-machine-environment system.A "person" in the system is a person who is the subject of the work (e.g., an operator or a decision maker);"Machine" is a generic term for all objects (including tools, machines, systems and technologies) controlled by humans;"Environment" refers to the specific working conditions under which man and machine coexist.The basic goal of the optimal combination of man-machine-environment system is "safety, efficiency and economy"."Safety" means the absence of physiological hazards or injuries to the human body and the avoidance of various accidents;"Efficient" means having the best work performance or highest work efficiency across the system;"Economy", that is, under the premise of meeting the technical requirements of the system, the establishment of the system should be the most economical investment.

2, MediumNational Society for Human Ergonomics, Ergonomics Professional Committee.Taking the human-machine-environment system as the research object, the Human-Machine Engineering Committee is committed to developing and exploring the new theories and technologies of human-machine-environment system engineering, optimizing the conditions of human-machine mutual adaptability, making the machinery and the environment in line with the characteristics of human morphology, physiology and psychology, creating comfortable, efficient and safe working conditions, and effectively improving the human ergonomics.It covers a number of specific research areas including human-machine interface engineering, human-machine system reliability engineering, human-machine environment system safety engineering, life support engineering for special environments, and human-machine engineering for people with disabilities.The relevant research results directly serve various industrial sectors such as mechanical, electrical, metallurgical, mining, chemical, atomic energy, aerospace, transportation, railway and construction.

3. Professional Committee on Engineering Psychology of the Chinese Psychological Association.The Professional Committee on Engineering Psychology of the Chinese Psychological Association was established in June 2013 to promote the application of psychological principles, knowledge, and research to human-computer systems.The members of the Specialized Committee come from universities, research institutes and R&D organizations of domestic and foreign enterprises, and their specialties include psychology, human factors, computer and automation, etc. They have gathered the core strength of research, R&D, application and management of engineering psychology in China.The main task of the Specialized Committee is to carry out scientific research in engineering psychology and its related fields, including human factors design, human-computer interaction, system safety, personnel selection, etc., and to strengthen working contacts and academic exchanges among practitioners of engineering psychology, so as to promote the construction of the discipline of engineering psychology, the cultivation of talents, and the popularization and application of scientific research results.The Committee convenes the National Engineering Psychology Academic Annual Meeting every year and organizes various interdisciplinary and industry-university-research exchange activities from time to time to actively promote the development and application of the results of engineering psychology and its related disciplines.

4. Professional Committee on Engineering Construction Management of the Chinese Society of Economics and Technology.The Professional Committee of Engineering Construction Management of China Society for Technological Economics was officially approved to be established on November 24, 2023, aiming to unite scientific and technological workers engaged in scientific research, policy formulation, and industrial operation in the field of engineering construction management nationwide, taking human activities in the process of whole-life-cycle management of engineering construction projects as the object, and based on cross-disciplinary theories of engineering construction management and cognitive neurology, psychology, behavioral decision-making, and organizational behavior. Based on interdisciplinary theories of engineering construction management and cognitive neurology, psychology, behavioral decision-making, organizational behavior, and other interdisciplinary theories, integrating multidisciplinary research paradigms, combining electroencephalograms, eye movements, near infrared, VR, AR and other research means, and adopting data fusion collection and analysis methods such as experiments, big data, and subjective reports, the research team will reveal the law of human activities in engineering construction management activities, and set up a "people-oriented" engineering construction management research and analysis system for scientific and technological workers in the fields of architecture, civil engineering construction, and engineering management. It aims to build a "people-oriented" research and communication platform for scientific and technical workers in the fields of architecture, civil engineering construction and engineering management, to promote the updating and change of the research paradigm of the engineering construction industry, and to facilitate the healthy and sustainable development of the construction industry, real estate industry, urban renewal, rural revitalization, and infrastructure construction.

VIII. Introduction to Membership

1、The Chinese Society of Systems Engineering Human-Machine-Environmental Systems Engineering Professional Committee membership:

  • Ordinary Member

Please use WeChat to scan the following QR code, select "Human-Machine-Environmental Systems Engineering Committee" and upload your personal electronic photo when joining the membership, and the membership fee is 100 RMB/year; please fill in your personal email address correctly in order to receive electronic invoices.

  • Student Membership

To register as a student member of the Chinese Society of Systems Engineering, please visit the following URL to register:

https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/-p12q3BGvCDug_CrYkCNdQ. Special reminder: Please select "HME Specialized Committee" when registering, and prepare your personal electronic photo and valid student ID card so that the registration operation will be successful at once. Successful.

2. Chinese Ergonomics Society Ergonomics Professional Committee membership:

Membership Procedures: ① Individual members or group members by themselves or designated person in charge of the online application for membership; ② approved by the Secretariat; ③ in accordance with the following way to pay the membership fee, issued by the Secretariat of the membership card.

Note: If a non-retired member does not pay the membership fee for one year, or does not pay the membership fee even after notification of replacement, he/she shall be regarded as automatically withdrawing from the Association. Anyone who violates the criminal law or seriously violates the constitution of the Association shall be canceled the membership by the decision of the Board of Directors or the Executive Council. Those who have been deprived of political rights shall have their membership automatically canceled.

Membership dues are: individual members 50 yuan per person per year, a one-time charge of four years of dues (a total of 200 yuan). Group members of each unit of 5,000 yuan (four-year dues), a one-time payment, the unit within the scope of personnel members do not have to repeat the individual dues (all exempt). After receiving the dues, the Society will issue a receipt for the membership fee and send it back. Please send the invoicing information (bill payable, mailing address, name and cell phone number) to Mr. Mao Ran at maoran1992@tsinghua.edu.cn.

Link to join: http://www.cesbj.org/shenqing.asp

Method of payment of contributions:

Individual members please use Alipay to pay fees to: office.ces@foxmail.com or scan the following QR code to complete the payment, please indicate your name (or organization) in the transfer notes. Unit members can handle the transfer, the account bank and account number and other information are as follows:


3. Chinese Psychological Association Engineering Psychology Professional Committee membership:

Please refer to Chinese Psychological Society Individual Membership Guidelines (cpsbeijing.org Chinese Psychological Society-Membership Services-Individual Membership Guidelines), and select the branch structure "Engineering Psychology Committee" when applying for membership.

4, China Society of Economics and Technology Engineering Construction Management Professional Committee membership:

1. When applying for membership, please select the branch "Engineering Construction Management Committee"; 2. Recommended units should fill in "Engineering Construction Management Committee" to accelerate the background data review; 3. Foreign work units or foreign personnel engaged in engineering construction management-related work can apply for membership; 4. Foreigners can apply for membership; 4. Enterprises and institutions engaged in engineering construction management-related work, science and technology institutes can apply for membership;

Web login to apply for membership: https://membersm.cste.org.cn/land.html

Scan the code on your phone to apply for membership:

Company Profile

Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTDIt is invested by Zhongke (Guangdong) Science Group, relying on Guangdong Human Factors Technology Research Institute and Wuhan Human Factors Engineering Technology Research Institute, and is a new type of high-tech enterprise based on the direction of psychological human factors, driving human factors, biomechanics, user experience, virtual reality and other directions, integrating production, research and development, sales and technical services, and has been selected as a national high-tech enterprise, a science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprise, and a high-tech enterprise on the list of Zhongguancun. High-tech enterprise list.

Hengzhi Technology independently researches and develops driving human factors system, virtual reality graphical editing software, light environment psychological evaluation system, psychological and human factors experimental teaching system, and at the same time as the general agent of Poland Cortivision near infrared, Russia Mitsar EEG and Germany Eyelogic eye movement instrument in China, Italy BTS surface electromyography and other biomechanics and gait analysis scientific research products general agent. We are also the sole agent of QuaeroSys tactile stimulation system from Germany, Noldus behavioral science from Netherlands, Tobii eye-tracking device from Sweden, MindMedia physiology and biofeedback from Netherlands, Biopac physiology from USA, and ETT olfactory/gustatory stimulation device from USA. We have served Tsinghua University, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Northeast Normal University, Yanshan University, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Shenzhen University of Technology, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xinjiang Normal University, Qiyuan Laboratory, China Electronics Technology Group 27, China Electronics Technology Group 28, Huawei Technology, InkScan, NetEase, Aerospace Second Academy, and so on. 1000 colleges and universities, research institutes and enterprises and institutions, and continue to carry out in-depth cooperation in talent training, production and research cooperation, and transformation of achievements.

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