
Support | The 2nd International Symposium on Green Development of Bay Area City Clusters and the 2024 Annual Conference of the Specialized Committee on Green Development of City Clusters of the China Society for Urban Science were successfully held!

The 2nd International Symposium on Green Development of Bay Area City Clusters and the 2024 Annual Conference of the Committee on Green Development of City Clusters of the China Society for the Study of Urban Science was successfully held in Zhuhai and Macao from August 14-17, 2024, which was co-sponsored by the Beijing Normal University, the Macao University of Science and Technology, and the Guangdong University of Technology. More than 300 guests attended this conference. There were 5 invited keynote speeches, 20 thematic sessions and more than 100 submissions. Centered on the theme of "Green Transformation of Urban Agglomerations for High Quality Development", the conference set up an academic exchange platform for governments, scholars and enterprises to discuss the theoretical methodologies, technological innovations and management practices of urban agglomerations in the Bay Area in the areas of high-quality development, carbon neutrality, and green transformation, which was widely acclaimed by the experts and the participants.
August 15, 2024, is the second National Ecology Day, which is in response to the scientific assertion that "green water and green mountains are golden mountains" first made by Comrade Xi Jinping on August 15, 2005, when he visited Anji County, Huzhou City. The opening ceremony of the General Assembly was held on the National Ecology Day, aiming to better study, publicize and implement Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization.
In his opening speech, Academician Yang Zhifeng, Director of the Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations of the China Society for Urban Science, pointed out that the theme of the conference was "Green Transformation of Urban Agglomerations for High-Quality Development". The key words are "green transformation" and "high quality". The green transformation of urban agglomerations emphasizes the need to balance rapid economic growth with ecological protection and sustainable development in the process of urbanization. On August 11 this year, the central government for the first time made a systematic deployment of accelerating the overall green transformation of economic and social development, focusing on five major areas: building a spatial pattern of green, low-carbon and high-quality development, accelerating the green and low-carbon transformation of industrial structure, steadily promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of energy, promoting the green transformation of transportation and urban and rural construction and development, as well as implementing a comprehensive conservation strategy, promoting the green transformation of consumption patterns, playing a supporting role in scientific and technological innovation, and promoting the green transformation of urbanization. In addition, it will implement a comprehensive conservation strategy, promote green transformation of consumption patterns, and play a supporting role in scientific and technological innovation, deploying the acceleration of the formation of a spatial pattern, industrial structure, mode of production, and way of life that conserve resources and protect the environment. This conference is set up in the "Bay Area City Cluster", which, with its openness, innovativeness and agglomeration, has become an important growth pole for the world's economic development and a new carrier for international competition, especially for scientific and technological innovation. The urban transformation needed to draw on the capacity for scientific, technological and managerial innovation, as well as the opportunities presented by the spatial concentration of population and economic scale, and the meeting had made an important contribution to the exploration of new low-carbon development and circular economy, as well as new ecological models of socio-economic development.
In the speech of Academician Yu Gang, Vice President and Secretary General of China Urban Science Research Association, he put forward the expectation that the Professional Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations can promote the incubation and growth of scientific and technological talents for green development of cities (agglomerations) and contribute to the cultivation of a group of high-quality talents with an international vision, innovative ability and practical spirit; in the speech of President Li Xingwei of Macao University of Science and Technology, he mentioned that he hoped that many parties can work together to In his speech, President Li Xingwei of Macau University of Science and Technology mentioned that he hoped many parties could work together to make positive contributions to the comprehensive promotion of green development of urban and rural construction, and to create a new chapter in the development of urban science and healthy urbanization in China.

Director, Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations, China Society for Urban Science Research

Yang Zhifeng Fellow

Vice President and Secretary General, China Society for Urban Science Research

Yu Gang, Fellow

Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences

Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST)

Keynote presentation at the Zhuhai venue

In the keynote report session, the conference invited four vice-chairmen of the Specialized Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations of the China Urban Science Research Association (CUSRA), namely Academician He Hong, Academician Xu Zuxin, Researcher Gao Jixi, Professor Guan Dabo, and Deputy General Manager of Beijing Cedillon Technology Co. Academician He Hong delivered a keynote report entitled "Self-purifying City Construction: Exploration and Prospect". Academician He put forward a new idea of building self-cleaning cities for air pollution prevention and control, i.e. exploring a new path of modernized governance for mega-cities by applying catalytic materials to urban buildings and floors, and promoting the decomposition of pollutants by natural light and heat; Academician Xu Zuxin delivered a keynote report titled "Risks of Rainy Season Pollution in Urban Water Environments and Strategies for Controlling Them". Academician Xu Zuxin delivered a keynote report entitled "Urban Water Environment Pollution Water Quality Risks and Control Strategies in Rainy Season". Academician Xu emphasized the important roles of real-time water quality monitoring, sedimentary pollution control and oxidative synergistic rapid flocculation and enhanced separation process in the water quality risk of rivers in the rainy season; Researcher Gao Jixi delivered a keynote report titled "Challenges and Countermeasures of Promoting Green Development by Source Governance in the New Circumstances". Researcher Gao emphasized the importance of adhering to the goal-oriented and problem-oriented approaches, solving the outstanding problems, eliminating the threatening factors, making up for the shortcomings of the capacity, coordinating the deployment, strict spatial control, strengthening the protection and restoration, and upgrading the governance capacity; Prof. Guan Dabo delivered a keynote report entitled "Study on the Refined Carbon Accounting and Technological Decarbonization Paths of the Global Energy-Consuming Facilities". Prof. Guan Dabo delivered a keynote report entitled "Study on Global Fine-grained Carbon Accounting and Technological Decarbonization Path of Energy-consuming Facilities". Prof. Guan emphasized that the promotion of low-carbon and zero-carbon technologies is the key to achieving deep emission reduction in global steel, chemical and other industries, and put forward a highly differentiated global multi-industry carbon neutral pathway; Mr. Xie Tao, Deputy General Manager, delivered a keynote report titled "Exploration of the Development of Trustworthy Carbon Measurement Technology and the Application of Supporting Carbon Trading". He introduced CEDL's exploration in the development of three sets of intelligent carbon emission measurement and monitoring systems, and their application in national key industries such as thermal power, cement and shipbuilding, realizing the transition from macro "carbon accounting" to accurate carbon measurement.

Zhuhai Branch

In the afternoon of August 15, 16 sessions were held at the Zhuhai venue, including Topic 1: "Research on Economic Development and Energy Transformation of Cities (Clusters) in the Context of Dual Carbon", Topic 2: "Resilience of Cities under Climate Change and Environmental Risk Prevention and Control", Topic Theme 4: "Solid Waste Recycling and Carbon Reduction Synergy", Theme 5: "Product Carbon Footprint: Methods, Tools and Management System", Theme 6: "Socio-Economic Transformation and Carbon Reduction Theme 7: "High-quality development of municipal infrastructure", Theme 8: "Ecological protection and green development of estuarine delta", Theme 9: "Synergistic management of water-energy-food linkages in cities (clusters) Theme 10: "Management of Green Transformation and Energy, Environment and Economy Analysis of City Clusters", Theme 11: "Urban Metabolism and Recycling Low Carbon Development Path Exhibition", Theme 12: "Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in City Clusters ", Theme 14 "Mechanism of Realizing the Value of Ecological Products in Urban Agglomerations and Regions", Theme 16 "New Technologies and Methods of Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction in Urban Agglomerations Based on Artificial Intelligence", Theme 17 " Theme 19: "Ecological Management of Urban Cluster "Diseases" for Sustainable Development". The conference was held from different perspectives, directions and levels, and the topics were comprehensive and rich, stimulating experts and scholars to think deeply about the future of green development and urban innovation. Let's review some wonderful moments in the session!

Macau Venue

In the afternoon of August 16th, the opening ceremony of Macao venue was held in the campus of Macao University of Science and Technology (MUST). Academician Yang Zhifeng, Director of the Professional Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations, Prof. Jiang Zhihong, Vice President of MUST, Prof. Xu Linyu, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Environment of Beijing Normal University, Mr. Zhuo Chongxian, President of the China Association of Green Building and Energy Saving (Macao), and Supervisor Mr. Chan Kwong-Xian, etc. more than 100 people participated in the Macao venue's meeting. During the opening ceremony, Prof. Jiang Zhihong, Vice President of Macau University of Science and Technology, and Prof. Xu Linyu, Secretary of the Party Committee of College of Environment, Beijing Normal University, the supporting organization of the Professional Committee on Green Development of Urban Agglomerations, delivered speeches for the Macau venue respectively. In the speech of President Jiang, he warmly welcomed all the academicians, leaders, experts and scholars as well as colleagues coming to this meeting, and hoped that we could work together in the future, and effectively contribute to the comprehensive promotion of the green development of urban and rural construction, and jointly create a new chapter for the development of urban science and healthy urbanization in our country; in the speech of Secretary Xu, he mentioned that he expects that through the in-depth discussions and exchanges among the scholars from Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao, we can provide new solutions for the green transformation of urban agglomerations and provide new solutions for the development of the urban environment. In the speech of Secretary Xu, he mentioned that he expected that through in-depth discussions and exchanges among scholars from Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao, they would provide new ideas and methods for the green transformation of urban agglomerations, contribute their wisdom and strength to realize the goal of carbon neutrality, and work together to push forward the innovation and application of green technologies, so as to inject new impetus into the sustainable development of urban agglomerations. Subsequently, MUST and China Green Building and Energy Conservation (Macau) Association signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Low Carbon Sustainable Campus Cooperation". Both parties attach great importance to the synergistic development of the campus and the industry associations in the construction of the education system in the field of green and low carbon. After the signing ceremony, the two parties will give full play to the advantages of the platform, promote the application of the CarbonPrice platform, carry out green and low-carbon social practices, and put into practice the concept of "carbon neutral campus". The signing ceremony was followed by five sessions of presentations at the Macao venue, including Theme 3: "Green Technologies, Policies and Pathways for Cities (Clusters) to Address Climate Change", Theme 13: "Urban Green Infrastructure and Resilient Cities", Theme 15: "Urban Health and City Checkups", and Theme 16: "Urban Health and City Checkups". Theme XIII "Green Infrastructure and Resilient Cities", Theme XV "City Health and Physical Examination", Theme XVIII "Carbon Reduction and High Quality Development of Typical Sectors in Urban Agglomerations", and Theme XX "Carbon Neutrality Modeling and Forecasting".

Snapshots of the meeting

Mr. Li Jiahua, General Manager of Hengzhi Technology, made a report on the sub-forum.

Presentation of certificate to General Manager Li Jiahua

Hengzhi Technology Booth

Cortivision NIR-SmartBCI Portable EEG Multi-Modal Acquisition and Analysis System

Portable EEG Multi-Modal Acquisition and Analysis System by Hengzhi Technology

Eyelogic desktop eye-tracking device from Hengdian Technology.

Company Profile

Ltd., invested by Zhongke (Guangdong) Science Group and relying on Guangdong Human Factors Technology Research Institute and Wuhan Human Factors Engineering Technology Research Institute, is a new high-tech enterprise based on the direction of psychological human factors, driving human factors, biomechanics, user experience, virtual reality and other aspects of the production, research and development, sales and technical services in one of the National High-tech Enterprises, science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, Beijing "innovative" small and medium-sized enterprises, Zhongguancun High-tech Enterprise list. The company has been selected as a national high-tech enterprise, science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprise, Beijing "innovative" small and medium-sized enterprise and Zhongguancun high-tech enterprise.
Hengzhi Technology independently researches and develops driving human factors system, virtual reality graphical editing software, light environment psychological assessment system, psychological and human factors experimental teaching system, and at the same time as the general agent of Poland Cortivision near infrared, Russia Mitsar EEG and Germany Eyelogic eye movement instrument in China, Italy BTS surface electromyography and other biomechanics and gait analysis scientific research products general agent. Canada AdHawk Mindlink high sampling eyeglasses eye-tracker, Germany QuaeroSys tactile stimulation system, the Netherlands Noldus behavioral science, Sweden Tobii eye-tracker, the Netherlands MindMedia physiological andbiofeedbackThe company is the agent of American Biopac physiology, American ETT olfactory/taste stimulator and other products. We have served Tsinghua University, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Northeast Normal University, Yanshan University, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Shenzhen University of Technology, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xinjiang Normal University, Qiyuan Laboratory, China Electronics Technology Group 27, China Electronics Technology Group 28, Huawei Technology, Inkjet Weather, NetEase, the Second Academy of Astronautics and so on. Thousands of colleges and universities, research institutes and enterprises and institutions continue to carry out in-depth cooperation in talent cultivation, production and research cooperation, and transformation of achievements.
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