
New Book | Principles and Methods of Spatial Cognitive Eye Movement Experiments in Cartography

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Basic Information

Principles and Methods of Spatial Cognitive Eye Movement Experiments in Cartography.

Dong Weihua et al.

Book Number: 9787030711045

Publication date: June 2023

Pricing: $89.00


This book centers on the knowledge system of cartographic spatial cognition theory-experiment-methodology-application, and systematically and completely introduces the principles and methods of cartographic spatial cognition eye movement experiments. The book consists of six chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on the theoretical knowledge needed to carry out cartographic spatial cognition research, including map cognition theory, spatial cognition theory and visual cognition theory and eye movement experiments. Chapter 2 provides a systematic overview of eye-tracking experimental methods for cartographic spatial cognition, including the principle of eye-tracking instrument and eye-tracking experimental paradigm, eye-tracking experimental tasks, eye-tracking experimental environments, and eye-tracking experimental stimulus materials. Chapters 3 and 4 illustrate the analysis process of experimental data from multiple perspectives, including the pre-processing process, the quantitative statistical process, the trajectory analysis process and the behavioral pattern mining process. Chapter 5 is an application topic, providing cartographic spatial cognition eye movement experimental cases from four aspects: cognitive subject, cognitive expression, cognitive object and data application. Chapter 6 looks forward to future cartographic spatial cognition research from the aspects of brain neuroscience and artificial intelligence.


This book can be used as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students of geographic information science, surveying and mapping engineering, etc. It can also be used as a reference book for teachers, students and researchers in higher education in cartography and related fields.

Book Features

Feature One

The system is logical, the content is rigorous and moderate, and the examples are rich in resources. While systematically elaborating the theory of spatial cognition in cartography and the experimental techniques and methods of eye-tracking, the system takes into account the introduction of mainstream experimental paradigms, scenario applications and cutting-edge dynamics, and combines scientific, operational and inspirational aspects into one, providing geography-related majors with a complete supply of practical guidance and learning resources.

Feature 2

The textbook has a perfect theoretical system, comprehensive knowledge coverage, effectively strengthens the integration of students' interdisciplinary literacy and hands-on practical training, and has a positive contribution to the cultivation of talents in geography.


Author Bio

Tung Wai Wah (1937-), Hong Kong entrepreneur and politician, chief executive 1997-2005

He is a professor, doctoral supervisor and vice dean of the School of Geography, Department of Geographic Sciences, Beijing Normal University. His research field is geospatial cognition and brain-like intelligent navigation. He was awarded the special prize of the Award for Scientific and Technological Progress in Surveying and Mapping, the first prize of the Award for Science and Technology in Surveying and Mapping, and the first prize of the Award for Scientific and Technological Progress in Geographical Information. Currently, he serves as an editorial board member of Cartography and Geographic Information Science and Journal of Location Based Services, deputy director of Cartography and GIS Committee of China Geographic Society, and deputy director of Map Working Committee of China Geographic Information Industry Association, Deputy Director of the Map Committee of China Geographic Information Industry Association and Executive Director of China Remote Sensing Application Association.





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