
Announcement of the third round of conference on "NIR Data Processing and Brain Network Computing

Meeting Date:2023Year6Month30Day-7Month2Day
Conference Venue: Conference Room 1, Beijing Normal University Library
(Third round of notification)

1.Conference Introduction
"Near-infrared data processing and brain network computing"Thematic sessions will be held2023Year6Month30Day-7Month2The conference was held at Beijing Normal University on October 15, 2012. This conference is dedicated to the promotion of functional near-infrared spectroscopic imaging (fNIRS) technology as well as the emerging photobiomodulation technology (PhotobiomodulationThe conference will be held in Beijing, China, and will focus on methods and applications of optical imaging and photonic modulation technologies for basic brain science research and clinical applications. The conference invited many domestic and foreignfNIRSWe will discuss the key issues and challenges of these technologies with renowned experts in the field of photobiomodulation and promote the rapid development of the corresponding technologies in the field of brain science research.
fNIRSImaging, as an emerging means of detecting functional brain activity, has developed rapidly in the last decade or so. Compared to other imaging techniques, thefNIRSImaging has many advantages, such as high portability of the instrumentation, wearability, high ecological validity, clear signal source, and imaging time resolution(10-100Hz)high level and is one of the important technical tools for conducting research on brain function. It is now widely used in basic research as well as in engineering and clinical practice studies, and its popularity is still growing rapidly; the professional fields using this technology are related to psychology, medicine, neuroscience, brain-computer interface, sports science and education. In addition.fNIRSImaging can be used in conjunction with a variety of neuromodulation techniques to facilitate the understanding of human brain function and the in-depth study of the pathological mechanisms of disease.
This conference will also be dedicated tofNIRSDiscussion and communication of data processing and analysis methods. MasteryfNIRSData processing and analysis methods are essential for researchers to obtain correct scientific results, whilefNIRSThe technology is highly specialized and some unique data processing methods need to be learned in a systematic way. This conference will be conductedTwo experimental paradigms ("Resting state"and"Task state"(Under)fNIRSExchange and discussion of data processing and analysis methods. For example, the resting statefNIRSMethods for removing shallow noise and head movement artifacts from data, resting-state brain network analysis methods, resting-state signal quality control, task statefNIRSSignal head movement removal,GLMModel analysis, brain activation map display, etc. Through this conference, graduate students in psychology, exercise science, biomedical engineering, doctors or clinical researchers in psychiatry, neurosurgery, rehabilitation, pediatrics, etc. will be able to quickly understand and masterfNIRSData processing and analysis strategies.
2.Attendees(Presented in the order of the main lectures)
Niu Haijing.The conference organizers.Associate Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal UniversityThe International Society for Near Infrared Spectroscopy (SfNIRSThe program committee members andSfNIRSAssociationsChairman of the Asia-Pacific Regional Council, , ,Brain scienceJournal Editorial Board.2006and2009He received his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Tianjin University and Beijing Normal University, respectively.2010Post-doctoral research at the University of Texas at Arlington, USA, in 2007.2017Harvard University/Massachusetts General HospitalConducting academic exchange visits. His main research area is the methodological and applied research of human brain connectomics based on near-infrared spectral imaging.In the resting statefNIRSA series of innovative research results in the field of brain network research have been published in international mainstream neuroimaging and optical imaging journals.asIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, ,Cerebral Cortex, Cortex, ,NeuroImage, ,Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, ,Optics Letter, , Optics Express andNeurophotonicsetc.Up to now, a total ofPublishSCIPapers47PartThe first author and corresponding author of the paper (including tied)33Part, , ,AuthorizationPatents for inventions6Item.Authorized NIR data analysisSoftware Copyright3He is a member of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has chaired the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) youth projects, surface projects and international collaborative projects.2018Year as an invited presenter (invited speaker) inHeld in Tokyo, JapanInternational Near Infrared Optical ImagingGeneral AssemblyDo"Resting-state NIR brain network researchStudy"Overview Report;;2021Year subject toSfNIRSThe Society invited to co-chair the first International Near Infrared Spectroscopy Society Network Meeting.Currently a member of the Beijing Cognitive Neuroscience Society andMember of the International Society for Optical Engineering, National Natural Science Foundation of China andBeijing Natural Science FoundationProjectsJudging experts and Beijing Science and Technology AwardEvaluation experts, etc..
Liu, Hanli.D., Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas, USA. He received his undergraduate degree from Beijing Normal University and his Ph.D. degree from Wake Forest University, North Carolina, USA. He obtained a postdoctoral position at the University of Pennsylvania. 1996YearEntryDepartment of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Arlington. Coaching periodhaving received several prestigious awards.as2013YearAwardedDistinguished University ProfessorAward, , ,2016YearRated asFellow, Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, USA2021YearAwardedProfessorships awarded by the College of Engineering Advisory Board, and2020YearInvited asSenior member of the National Academy of Innovators.Up to now, a total ofPublish peer-reviewed scientific papers160YuPart, guidanceGraduate Students60more than one person.Recent yearsThe research area was expanded to include optical non-invasive neuromodulationControlFields(tPBM). By usingBroadband NIR spectroscopyTechnology(bbNIRS)and EEGMeasurement, , ,Successfully achievedtPBMHuman brain under interventionNon-invasive hemodynamic, metabolic and electrophysiological effectsmeasurements, showing thetPBMAs a neurological diseaseEffectiveTreatmentThe importance ofPotential.
Wang Yuping, , ,Chief physician, professor, doctoral supervisor, chief expert of the Department of Neurology of Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, president of Hebei Hospital of Xuanwu Hospital, director-elect of the Chinese Medical Association's Psychosomatic Medicine Branch, standing committee member of the Chinese Medical Association's Neurology Branch.
Han.Chief physician, professor, doctoral supervisor, well-known expert in the Department of Neurology of Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, member of the Magnetic Resonance Group of the Radiology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, National Clinical Medical Research Center for Geriatric Diseases of Xuanwu Hospital-ChinaADHe is the chairman of the Pre-Clinical Consortium, the chairman of the Beijing Cognitive Neuroscience Society, the editorial board member of many academic journals at home and abroad, and the reviewer of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Zhao, Hu-Bin.United KingdomUniversity College London (UCL) Assistant Professor, PhD Supervisor, Member of the Faculty Executive Committee. Intelligent Neural Engineering Laboratory, University College London (HUB of Intelligent Neuro-engineering, HUBIN) Founder and independent leader of the team, University College London Medical SchoolAspireCo-Head, Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology, Department of Engineering, University College LondonDOT-HUBCo-Head of the Center. Professor Zhao has a strong background in electrical engineering and neuroengineering, and independently leads a team of11PhD students and20A research team of more than Master students is dedicated to world-leading research at the intersection of advanced electronics, neural engineering and medical technology. To date, Prof. Hu-Bin Zhao has published50He has several peer-reviewed papers and has been awarded several international patents. Professor Zhao's main research interests include 1) wearable, implantable and non-contact medical imaging, sensing and health monitoring technologies.2) Artificial intelligence for medical imaging and healthcare applications (AI) hardware.3)BCIHuman-machine interaction, movement/The development and application of technologies such as surgical monitoring4) and related medical applications in advanced medical electronics, microelectronics and optoelectronics.
Yuan Zhen.Full Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Director of the Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences Research and Associate Director of the Collaborative Innovation Institute, University of Macau.2002D. degree in Engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2007.2002-2017He has held postdoctoral research positions at the Institute of High Performance Computing, National University of Singapore, the Department of Physics, Clemson University, and the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Florida.2007-2011Research Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Florida, U.S.A.2012-2013He has been an assistant professor at the School of Communication, Arizona State University, USA.2013-2017He has been an Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at the University of Macau since 2007.2021He was promoted to full professor. He is mainly engaged in biomedical photonics, optical molecular imaging and neuroscience and functional brain imaging research. Professor Zhen Yuan has achieved a series of first-class international research results in the fields of brain neuroscience and biomedical photonics, such asNature Communication, ,Researchand Neuroimageand other brain science journals andSmall, ,Advanced Functional Materials, ,Nano Letters, ,ACS Nano, ,BiomaterialsandChemical ScienceHe has published in biomedical photonics journals such as Published high qualitySCIJournal Papers260More than one article, H-Index 50.Current position Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and SurgeryEditorial Board, BMC Medical Imagingand Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Senior Associate Editoris a U.S.OSA and internationalSPIESenior Member, Member of the Chinese Society of Biomedical Photonics, Vice President of the Macau Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.
Chen, Ruiyan.Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Director of the Center for Mindfulness and Health Research. Yu1995He received his degree from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) D. in Clinical Brain Neuropsychology and has taught clinical psychology in the Department of Psychology for approximately thirty years. His research interests include approaches to optimize brain function (i.e., how to maintain brain function at optimal levels) as well as cognitive disorders associated with various brain disorders (e.g., brain degeneration and autism) and innovative interventions to improve cognitive function. To date, more than one hundred journal articles have been published, including the top journalNature》. The research was supported by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), American Broadcasting Company (ABC) and the New York Times reported that2023Year wasResearch.comListed as a top neuroscientist in China (No. 1)78(No. 1) and psychologists (No.53She is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the American Psychological Association.) She received the Early Achievement Award from the American Psychological Association in recognition of her contributions to the study and development of brain science. 2003He was selected as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons in Hong Kong in 2007. He was an Associate Editor of the American Journal of Neuropsychology and a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, and the author of the Hong Kong Word Memory Test, a commonly used clinical memory assessment in Hong Kong.
Huang Fu Watch, , ,D.; associate chief therapist; associate professor; master's degree advisor;China Rehabilitation Research CenterOccupational Therapy Section (OT(Department) Director; Director of the Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Rehabilitation Medicine, Capital Medical University; National Health and Wellness Commission Expert of the Rehabilitation Working Group of the National Technical Specification for Medical Services; Deputy Director of the Occupational Therapy Committee of the Chinese Society of Rehabilitation Medicine; Deputy Director of the Rehabilitation Therapist Committee of the China Disabled Persons Rehabilitation Association; Deputy Director of the Orthopedic Rehabilitation Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor's Association; Standing Member of the Aging Health Services and Standardization Branch of the Chinese Society of Geriatric Health Care Medicine; Deputy Director of the Beijing Rehabilitation Medicine Association Deputy Director of the Working Committee of Rehabilitation Therapists of Beijing Rehabilitation Medical Association; Deputy Director of the Youth Committee of Beijing Rehabilitation Medical Association; Editorial board member and reviewer of China Rehabilitation Theory and Practice and China Geriatric Health Care Medicine; Editor-in-chief of books5Department; Near5Participation in NSF projects during the year2(sub-subject leader); presided over provincial and ministerial level research projects5Bureau-level scientific research projects7Published papers in domestic and international journals as first author or corresponding author30More than one article.
Wang Laibol.M.D., Chief Physician, Ph.Graduate Advisor.Deputy Director, Department of Neonatology, Pediatric Hospital of Fudan University. Currently serving asVice Chairman of the Youth Group of the Neonatology Section of the Pediatrics Branch of the Chinese Medical Association.Deputy Director of the Neurology Group of the Neonatal Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, theUnited StatesNewborn Brain SocietyHe is also a member of the 2nd Neonatal Specialty Committee of Cross-Strait Medical and Health Exchange Association and a member of the 8th Committee of Perinatal Critical Care Medicine Group of Perinatal Medicine Branch of Chinese Medical Association. He has been engaged in neonatal medical research for a long time, focusing on neonatal neurology and specializing in neonatalDiagnosis and treatment of brain injury and various neonatal emergencies and difficult diseases.TheChinese NeonatologyMagazine, ,Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatricsand other magazinesEditorial BoardHe is currently responsible for the key research and development projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. At present, he is undertaking the key R&D project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and has published professional papers30More than one article, of whichSCI Full text included10More than one article. He has been awarded the Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress of the Ministry of Education, the Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award, and the Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Shanghai, etc.
Li TingHe is a researcher of Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, a doctoral director, director of Tianjin Medical Electronic Diagnostic Technology Engineering Center, and an intramural interface of the extramural innovation unit of multimodal cross-scale neural signal detection and imaging of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.He is engaged in the research of deep tissue non-invasive photoelectric detection and modulation technology and brain-like intelligence. Representative achievements: accurate computational model and software for four-dimensional photonic transport in voxelized complex biological tissues (used by dozens of international professional institutions and recommended by international pioneers on their lab websites), multimodal neural information acquisition and control technology and brain-computer fusion robot, development of deep hemodynamic monitoring instrument for neurocritical care and rehabilitation, etc. He was awardedNature Photonicsand the editors-in-chief of international top journals in the field of acute and critical care are highly rated,Physiol. Meas.Annual Highlights, Ministry of Science and Technology Key R&D Program"Thirteenth Five-Year Plan"The closing of the intelligent robot special project is excellent. In recent years, he has presided over the projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing Major Instrument Special Project, etc.17item, obtainedMelvin H. KniselyAward (per year)1Name/Global; Awards40(the only Chinese recipient of the award in years), the InternationalNirfastPrize, Top Ten Outstanding Science and Technology Workers of CEC, National Young Top Talent (Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China), theIEC/ISO/IEEEInternational standardization expert member, the first batch of national health science experts, national level science and technology reporting experts, Tianjin Jieqing, Tianjin innovation team leader, Tianjin young and middle-aged science and technology leaders, Tianjin"131"Innovative talent training project first level, etc..
Chunming Lu.Professor, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, ChinaIDG/He is the Vice President of McGovern Institute for Brain Science, the group leader, and the PhD supervisor, and he has hosted many projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China. His research interests are in verbal communication and social interaction, inNature Communications, ,PNASPapers published in journals such as60He has published more than 10 articles. He is currently the correspondence director of the International Society for Near Infrared Optical Imaging, the secretary general of the Cognitive Neurobiology Branch of the Chinese Society of Neuroscience, a member of the Scientific and Continuing Education Committee of the Chinese Society of Neuroscience, and the executive director of the Learning Science Research Branch of the Chinese Society for Higher Education.
Li XianchunD., Professor, School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University.2005He graduated from East China Normal University with a Doctor of Science degree in 2007.2005to2009He completed his post-doctoral research at Johns Hopkins University, USA in 2007.2009Year9He has been working in the School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences since January. He is currently the Associate Dean of the School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences.2011He is a member of the Chinese Psychological Society and an executive director of the Shanghai Psychological Society.The research direction is to combine multimodal research tools such as behavioral and brain sciences, focusing on (1) brain mechanisms for higher social cognitive activities (e.g., cooperative competition, social communication, etc.); (2) Brain mechanisms of social functioning deficits in people with mental illness. Undertaking6national and provincial research projects, inPNAS, ,NeuroImage, ,Human Brain Mapping, ,SCAN, ,JCogNas well as in domestic and international academic journals such as the Journal of Psychology40More than articles. Published academic monographs1Department.
Song Yan.Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, and Secretary General, China EEG Consortium.Technology Innovation2030-"Brain Science and Brain-like Research"Major ProjectsDirector of the EEG Technology Special Committee of the Chinese School Children's Brain Intelligence Development Cohort Project. Yu2003D. degree in Biophysics from the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China;2010In 2007, the University of California (San Diego) as a visiting scholar. He has been studying the spatial attention of Chinese school children and the neural mechanisms of the relationship between attention and children's higher cognitive learning abilities (language, mathematics) using EEG and NIR techniques. He has hosted several National Natural Science Foundation of China and Beijing Natural Science Foundation of China. As a corresponding author inScience Advances, ,PLoS Biology, ,Biological Psychiatry (CNNI), , Neuroimage, , Human brain mapping, , Developmental Science, , Developmental Cognitive NeuroscienceHe has published several academic papers in English in professional academic journals such as
Cui Xu.D., Brain Imaging Fellow, Stanford University.2000B.S., College of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China2007D. in Neurology from Baylor College of Medicine, USA. He is currently a research fellow in the Department of Human Psychiatry and Behavior at Stanford University, and is a review editor for several academic journals and a reviewer for international conferences. He has published dozens of articles in leading academic journals (e.g.Neuron, ,PLoS Biology(etc.), the research results have been cited about4000Times. Two papers are in the field of neurobiologyTop 1% Thesis (Web of Science).Cui Xu is a near infrared"Hyperscan" (hyperscanning), one of the earliest researchers of the technique that allows researchers to use a machine to scan multiple human brains that are communicating simultaneously, became an important breakthrough in the transition from single-person brain science to multi-person brain science in the field of brain science. He has also conducted in-depth research on the human brain's perception of time and the neural basis of human brain imagination, , ,He has also published articles in top journals.Dr. Xu Cui is also actively involved in the popularization of NIR technology. His blog (https://alivelearn.net) contains many NIR-related tutorials and source code, providing a valuable resource for NIR researchers.Dr. Xu Cui is also an academic software documentation bird Stork(https://www.storkapp.me), the main developer of the siteforScientific ResearchersOffers a range of highTools for efficiency (e.g. English paper touch-ups, etc.)
C.S. Hu.D., is an assistant researcher at Shanghai Mental Health Center. D. graduated from the University of Macau and was a postdoctoral researcher at the State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University. Currently working asAsian Journal of Psychiatry Youth Editorial Board.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Review Editor. His main research area is the application of network analysis methods in advanced cognitive and mental health research, including brain function network research and mental illness symptom network research. Has worked onLancet Public Health, Molecular Psychiatry, Asian Journal of PsychiatryPublished in journals such asSCIPapers27The first or corresponding authorThesis (with parallel)15PartHosted byBo Hou FundandNational Nature Youth Program.
3.Conference Schedule

4.Registration and payment method
Fees payable: 3800Yuan/People.IncludingMaterials, conference fees and lunchLunchFee(Lan Hui Restaurant Buffet)All other expenses will be paid for.
Payment method:Payment can be made by unit transferorSweep below"Payment by "Payment Code(Please confirm that the unit's reimbursement policy allows for personal account payments before scanning the code for payment), no other payment methods such as cash will be accepted.
Unit transfer payments are as follows:
Beijing Normal University
Bank Account Number
3402 5601 5272
Account opening bank
Bank of China Beijing Wenhuiyuan Sub-branch
Be sure to indicate in the message: "2023Near InfraredJune"Otherwise, it is impossible to verify the remittance information.
Payment by payment code is as follows:

(1)Please do not use Alipay to transfer money due to the difficulty of checking the account by Alipay.
(2)In order to control the quality of the meeting, this meetingLimit60 peopleUntil capacity is reached.Seating is based on the order of receipt of remittance.
(3)After remittance, please fill in the registration and remittance information according to the format(Scan the QR code below to fill in the submission), we will invoice based on the invoice payable filled in the return receipt(The content is"Conference Fee").Once invoice is issued, no adjustment will be madeIf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone.

(4)After the registration and payment information is verified, the successful registration will be confirmed by email. 
(5)Please deal with accommodation in a timely manner as accommodation resources are tight near the North Division.
(6)Registrationand Payment Deadline: The2023Year06Month25Day.
(7)Booths will be available at the venue, welcomefNIRSManufacturersand neuromodulation vendorsBring new equipment to the exhibition.
Consultation phone number:
Ms. Zhang:17730199739Cao; CaoTeacher:13843600772; Teacher Zhou:18633766796

Company Profile
Beijing Hengzhi Technology Co., Ltd, invested by China Science (Guangdong) Science Group, relying on Guangdong Institute of Human Factors Technology and Wuhan Institute of Human Factors Engineering Technology, is a new high-tech enterprise based on psychological human factors, driving human factors, biomechanics, user experience, virtual reality and other directions, integrating production, research and development, sales and technical services, has been successfully selected in the list of high-tech enterprises in Zhongguancun. .

The driving human factors system, virtual reality graphical editing software, light environment psychological assessment system and psychological and human factors experimental teaching system developed by Hengzhi Technology have entered the domestic market.

As the sole agent of Poland Cortivision NIR, Russia Mitsar EEG in China, the sole agent of Italy BTS surface EMG and other biomechanical and gait analysis products in China, and the sole agent of Netherlands Noldus Behavioral Science, Sweden Tobii Eye Motion Instrument, Netherlands MindMedia Physiology and Biofeedback, US Biopac Physiology, US ETT The domestic licensed agent of products such as olfactory/taste stimulator. The high-tech products operated have served the top universities and the highest level of scientific research units in China, including Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, Northeast Normal University, Yanshan University, Qiyuan Laboratory, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen University of Technology, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Shanghai University, the Second Institute of Aerospace, 27 and 28 of China Electronics Technology Group, while providing technical support for ink Netease, Huawei technology to provide technical support, in the field of talent training, scientific research cooperation, transformation of results and other scientific and technological areas of continuous in-depth cooperation.

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