In order to promote the development of neuroaccounting and neuromanagement research, build a platform for communication and cooperation between scholars of neuroaccounting and neuromanagement, and promote the innovation of related theories and researches, the Sixth Symposium on Neuroaccounting and Neuromanagement is scheduled to be held on December 9-10, 2023, at Beijing Normal University (BNU). The School of Management of Shanghai University has joined the initiating unit since the beginning of this conference, which is co-organized by the School of Economics and Business Administration of Beijing Normal University, the School of Management of Xiamen University and the School of Management of Shanghai University, and the Cognitive Neuromanagement Laboratory of the School of Economics and Business Administration of Beijing Normal University, and co-organized by the Neuromanagement and Neuroengineering Research Association of the Chinese Society of Management Science and Engineering, and Beijing Hengzhi Science and Technology Co. We are now calling for contributions from experts and scholars at home and abroad.
I. Workshop schedule
1. The meetingmeeting place: The Beijing Normal UniversityAddress: Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China19horn (wind instrument)2. Schedule of meetings: The2023YearDecember9Day9:00-12:00 General AssemblyThematic presentationsLeading scholars in the field of neuroaccounting and neuromanagement from home and abroad are to be invited to give keynote speeches at the conference;14:00-17:00 Parallel sub-forumsA number of parallel sessions will be organized to present papers and workshops.20231February10Day8:30-12:00 Journal Editors-in-Chief Forum, Academic Outlook Report and Conference SummaryTo be invited to Economic Research, Management World, Economics Dynamics, Accounting Research, Economic Management, China Industrial Economy, Nankai Management Review, Audit Research, andEconomics & PoliticsThe editors-in-chief (editors) of journals such as "The Journal" present the latest developments in the journals and give suggestions to improve the quality of the papers submitted.
II. Main topics
The theme of this conference is "Neuroaccounting and Neuromanagement for Organizational Value Creation and its Mechanisms in the Age of Digital Intelligence", including but not limited to Behavioral and Neuroaccounting, Big Data and Accounting and Auditing Behavior, Behavioral and Neurofinance, Behavioral and Neuromarketing, Behavioral and Neural Mechanisms for Decision Making, Neuroinformation Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Neurointelligent Algorithm , neuromanagement ethics, human-machine integration, etc. Please write your paper around, but not limited to, the above topics or areas, with a title of your choice.
III. Notes on Submission of Contributions
1. Papers should use behavioral economics or neuroeconomics theories, behavioral economics and neuroeconomics research methods and research tools to study mainstream topics in accounting, management, and economics, and all types of behavioral research are particularly welcome.2. It should be an unpublished academic paper in both Chinese and English. The format of the paper: (1) the first page, including the title of the paper, the author's name, the author's organization, and the mode of communication; (2) the second page, including the abstract (about 300 words), key words (3-5); (3) the body of the paper.In principle, full papers are required for the selection criteria of the conference presentation papers. For the selection of topics with abstracts only, the length of the abstracts needs to be increased to be able to illustrate the importance of the research problem, the research methodology and the basic conclusions before they can be considered for selection of the presentation papers. For all submitted papers, only the abstract will be made public, and the full paper will be used only for the selection of papers for the conference and for the reviewers' comments, but not the full paper. 3. Layout in a word document or PDF document.4.The deadline for the call for papers is November 19, 2023(based on the time of email sending), submit the manuscript to, name the manuscript file as "Author-Paper Title", and please mark the subject of the email with the words "2023 Sixth Neuroaccounting and Neuromanagement Symposium The organizing committee will organize relevant experts to review the submissions. The organizing committee will organize relevant experts to select the submitted papers, and send out formal notification of acceptance of the papers before November 26, 2023 (acceptance of the papers or not will not affect the participation in the conference).
IV. Costs of the Conference
The conference fee for non-student participants is 1000 RMB/person, and the conference fee for students is 400 RMB/person. Selected report papers are exempted from the conference fee for one author. The conference will provide conference materials and meals during the conference, and the transportation and accommodation expenses will be taken care of.
V. Registration and Hotel Reservation
Please scan the following QR code to register, the deadline for registration is December 5th. The conference organizer will assist in booking hotels according to the registration information (hotel booking requirements) submitted by the participants. Recommended hotels for the conference are Beijing Normal University Jingshi Mansion (on-campus, suites only), Holiday Inn Huayu (off-campus), recommended hotels enjoy the conference agreement price, at your own expense. As hotel rooms are very tight, please register as early as possible. In addition to the recommended hotels, there are also nearby hotels available (see Annex I). Participating teachers are requested to make reservations on their own, but will not be able to enjoy the conference agreement price.
Conference Registration QR Code
V. Registration and Hotel Reservation
Please scan the following QR code to register, the deadline for registration is December 5th. The conference organizer will assist in booking hotels according to the registration information (hotel booking requirements) submitted by the participants. Recommended hotels for the conference are Beijing Normal University Jingshi Mansion (on-campus, suites only), Holiday Inn Huayu (off-campus), recommended hotels enjoy the conference agreement price, at your own expense. As hotel rooms are very tight, please register as early as possible. In addition to the recommended hotels, there are also nearby hotels available (see Annex I). Participating teachers are requested to make reservations on their own, but will not be able to enjoy the conference agreement price.
Conference Registration QR Code
VI. Contact information
Contact person and phone number:Niu Qingrun: 18801327758Ye Shusong: 15270773617E-mail: neuro_management@163.comCollege of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing Normal UniversitySchool of Management, Xiamen UniversityShanghai University School of ManagementOctober 18, 2023
Annex I: Hotels in the vicinity of schools
This article comes from the WeChat public number: EVERLOYAL