
Shimadzu LightNIRS Portable Near Infrared Optical Imaging System

The portable brain imaging device for research is a device that uses near-infrared light with high human transmittance to irradiate the head and detects the light reflected by the scattering and absorption processes inside the organism, and can respond to the active state of the cerebral cortex in real time. Its safety and ability to detect the active state of the brain in its natural state have been widely used not only in the medical field, but also in psychology, education, cognitive science, and industrial research.
Contact us for details: 010-53352947

Three major features

  • High-quality data: High-quality data can be provided by a 3-wavelength semiconductor laser and avalanche photodiode.
  • Portable: small size and light weight for easy portability.
  • Support for a wide range of measurement applications: Measurement can be performed in a simple and free state after deciding on the measurement site, and with a variety of features such as short measurement times, it can be used in a variety of applications.

Technical Advantages

  • High Freedom Test
  • Realization of portability: small size and light weight; realization of body portability
  • Realize wireless test: The body is battery operated, which can realize wireless transmission communication between test data and PC
  • PC-to-Pc communication: simultaneous testing of multiple people is possible

New one-piece headgear

Simple to wear:
The integration of the fiber optic with the headgear (probe) makes it easier to wear.
The shape of the fiber changes to better fit the hair area.

Light blocking enhancement:
Specialized blackout jackets allow for outdoor testing.

Continuity of data

Shimadzu's FOIRE-3000 NIR brain imaging device, LABNIRS, acquires data that can be read directly by LIGHTNIRS' accompanying analysis software, allowing comparison between data. Continuity of past data information is achieved.


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