
BTS FreeEMG1000 Wireless Surface Electromyography System

The BTS FREEEMG300 Wireless Surface EMG System is a wireless surface EMG acquisition and analysis system that uses wireless transmission technology to connect the wireless surface electrodes worn on the test subject to a computer via wireless connection.

Contact us for details: 010-53352947


The electrodes are portable, with high precision, long telemetry distance and durability, and can be applied to research in sports science, clinical diagnosis, rehabilitation assessment and human factors engineering.

FreeEMG 1000 System Components

Technical Specifications

  • Surface electrode: deformable electrode with adhesive clip, 16Bt resolution, 1kHz signal period pickup frequency.
  • Battery: rechargeable, portable special charger.
  • Autonomous operation: up to 5 hours of continuous operation, or 5 days of standby time
  • Transmission distance: 20 meters (when no obstacle exists)
  • Memory: Built-in solid state memory


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