
Hengzhi Technology co-organized the Joint Seminar of Chief Scientists of National "Active Health" Key R&D Project, held in Guangzhou on May 8-9

Conference Introduction

National "Active Health"Key R&D special projects

Joint Chief Scientist Seminar

Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTDWe will co-organize a joint seminar with the chief scientists of the national "Active Health" key R&D project. We will join hands with all elites to explore the deep integration of human factors engineering and medical health to build a healthier and better future!

Organized by South China University of Technology, China Academy of Building Research Co., Ltd, China Association of Productivity Promotion Centers Active Health Branch and Guangzhou Yuexiu District People's Government, and hosted by South China University of Technology School of Design, South China University of Technology Institute of Future Technology, and China Academy of Building Research Co.Guangdong Institute of Human Factors Technology, ,Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTDThe theme of the joint symposium will be "'National Active Health Project and Community Aging' in Guangzhou, China. The theme of the symposium is "'National Active Health Project and Community Aging' Integrated Transformation Demonstration Workshop in the Greater Bay Area and Research Meeting on the Creation of Active Health City Demonstration in Yuexiu District".

In order to implement the arrangement of national science and technology innovation during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the National Key Research and Development Program launched the implementation of the "Active Health and Technology Response to Population Aging" key special project. The overall goal of the project is to build a technical product support system for functional maintenance, risk factor control, behavioral intervention and health services in the course of life, to improve the level of technology and intelligence of active health and health services for the elderly, and to improve the level of awareness of changes in health status in the course of life. Evaluate the effect of the improvement of the intrinsic function and participation ability of the population, strengthen the research and development and application of age-appropriate and elderly-assisting technologies, and increase the support of health technology. Through technology empowerment, maintain and extend human functions, prevent and control diseases; improve health level and reduce the burden of disease care. It will open up a new track for the health industry, lead the upgrading of the industry, transform and enhance the power and resources of economic growth, and lay a solid foundation for achieving the strategic goal of "Health China 2030".


National "Active Health"Key R&D special projects

Joint Chief Scientist Seminar


South China University of Technology

China Academy of Building Research Co.

China Association of Productivity Promotion Centers Active Health Branch

Guangzhou Yuexiu District People's Government

Organized by

School of Design, South China University of Technology

Future Technology Institute of South China University of Technology

Urban and Rural Planning Institute of China Academy of Building Research Co.


Guangdong Institute of Human Factors Technology 

Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTD

Conference Program

National "Active Health"Key R&D special projects

Joint Chief Scientist Seminar

May 8, 2023 (Monday)

8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Venue: B2-335 Lecture Hall, University City Campus, South China University of Technology

15:00 - 17:30 p.m.

Location: Six Banyan Street, Hongqiao Street Community, etc., Yuexiu District, Guangzhou




Conference Opening Ceremony

President Xiao Yiqiang


Speech by Xu Xiangmin, Vice President of South China University of Technology

Speech by Vice General Manager Wang Qingqin of China Academy of Building Research Co.

Speech by Honorary President Liu Yulan of China Association of Productivity Promotion Centers

Speech by Xiao Fengchun, Deputy District Governor of Yuexiu District, Guangzhou

Active Health Key R&D Program Project Chief Scientist Report


Xu Xiangmin, Professor, Vice President, South China University of Technology

Title: Natural Human-Computer Interaction System with Audio-Visual-Touch Multichannel Integration

Prof. Weidong Li

Hu Jianzhong, Professor, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University

Title: Research on integrated health care support solutions and applications

Roy Sun, Vice President and Professor, Harbin Medical University

Title: Demonstration of the application of dietary intervention and evaluation program for the elderly with reduced functional capacity

Tian Junzhang, Chief Physician, Party Committee Secretary, Guangdong Second People's Hospital

Title: Integrated Research and Application Demonstration of Age- and Disability-Friendly Intelligent Habitat

Xia Youbing, Professor, Secretary of Party Committee, Xuzhou Medical University

Title: Digital Health Family Service Scale-up Application Demonstration

Shiyuan Liu, Professor, Changzheng Hospital, Naval Medical University

Title: Research on multidimensional early warning, comprehensive diagnosis and intervention strategies for elderly people with cardiopulmonary decompensation and related diseases

Qian Qing, Researcher, Deputy Director, Institute of Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Title: Key technology and effective integration of multi-source information fusion for cardiopulmonary function assessment and rehabilitation

Zhou Haizhu, Professor, Director of Urban and Rural Planning Institute, China Academy of Building Research Co.

Title: Research and Application of Key Technical Standards for Community Ageing Ergonomics

Keynote Address


Song Zhaoli Standing Committee of the CPC Qing'an County Committee, Heilongjiang Province Executive Vice Mayor of the County People's Government

Active Health Black Land Initiative Report: Report on the Promotion of Qing'an as a National Active Health Demonstration County

Prof. Weidong Li

Hu Caiyou, Director, Jiangbin Hospital, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Chief Physician

Active Health Bay Area Action Report: Introduction to the Preparation of Active Health Hospital Engineering Research Center in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region


Xu Xiangmin, Professor, Vice President, South China University of Technology

Reading of the Guangzhou Consensus


Chief Scientist Team

(Group 1)

Visit to the Old Nanhai Community in Liurong Street, Yuexiu District

Head of Yuexiu District

Yuexiu District Government's initiative to create a healthy city model exchange meeting

Project team of experts

(Group 2)

Visit to the Yuexiu District Six Banyan Street Health and Wellness Center

Visit to the Old Nanhai Community in Liurong Street, Yuexiu District

Seminar at the Party and Community Service Center of Sanyijing Community, Hongqiao Street, Yuexiu District

May 9, 2023 (Tuesday)

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: South China University of Technology Wushan Campus Huagong community, senior citizen university, etc.

14:30 - 17:30 p.m.

Venue: Technology Innovation Center, B1C-101 Conference Room, International Campus of South China University of Technology


Tianhe District, Wushan Street, Huagong East District and Wushan Street visit

Prof. Zhelin Li Chair

Tianhe District Wushan Street Huagong Community Exchange

South China University of Technology Senior College Tour and Symposium


National Active Health Technology Innovation Center South Center Visit and Exchange

Vice President Shu Lin Moderator


National Key R&D Program Project: Research and Application of Key Technology Standards for Community Ageing Ergonomics Symposium

President Zhou Haizhu Moderated

Li Zhelin, Professor, School of Design, South China University of Technology

Topic: Quantitative characterization of physiological, psychological and behavioral data of the elderly and construction of ergonomic database

Liu Xiaozhong Professorial Senior Architect, Beijing Architectural Design and Research Institute Co.

Topic: Research on the ageing technology requirements and standards for human-computer interaction elements of community general facilities

Zhou Ying Professor, School of Architecture, Southeast University

Topic: Research on technical requirements and standards of aging-friendly ergonomics for community services

Zhou Haizhu, Professor, Director of Urban and Rural Planning Institute, China Academy of Building Research Co.

Subject: Research on the evaluation method and certification standard for the aging-appropriate testing of community general facilities and services

Qi Haimei, Chief Physician, Department of Geriatrics, Beijing Hospital

Subject: Research on the pilot demonstration and standardized technical path of community ageing

Special Guests

Introduction of the rapporteur

National "Active Health"Key R&D special projects

Joint Chief Scientist Seminar


Introduction of special guests

Liu Yulan

      Honorary Chairman of the China Association of Productivity Promotion Centers, former inspector of the Major Projects Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

      He joined the army in 1970 and was transferred from Beijing Gear Factory to the State Science and Technology Commission (now the Ministry of Science and Technology) in 1977 and retired in 2012. He studied at Renmin University of China, Beijing Jiaotong University, majoring in System, Master of Engineering. Before retirement, he was the former inspector of the Major Special Projects Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the former deputy director of the Integrity Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology. He served as deputy director, director, deputy inspector and inspector in the General Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Industry, Department of High-tech, Department of Planning, and Major Office. From 2003 to 2006, she was the vice mayor of Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, and in 2008, she was the head of a poverty alleviation mission in northern Shanxi Province. He was awarded the honorable title of "Heroic Pioneer Woman" by the All-China Women's Federation.

Wang Qingqin

       Professorial senior engineer, doctoral supervisor, national candidate of 100 million talents project, expert of special allowance of the State Council Government, deputy general manager of China Academy of Building Research Co.

       Director of State Key Laboratory of Building Safety and Environment, Director of National Construction Engineering Technology Center, Chairman of National Technical Standards Innovation Base (Construction Engineering), Chairman of China Association of Science and Technology Institutes, Director of Disaster Prevention Research Center of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Secretary General of Professional Committee of Building Energy Efficiency and Green Building of Science and Technology Committee of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Director of Beijing International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Green Building etc. He was awarded the title of "Expert of Biosafety Review Committee of High-grade Pathogenic Microbiology Laboratory" by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and "Master of Standard" by China Engineering Standard Science and Technology Innovation Award.


Chief Scientist Profile

Xu Xiangmin

  • Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Vice President of South China University of Technology.

  • He is a member of the Steering Committee of Electronic Information Teaching of the Ministry of Education, Director of the Engineering Research Center of Human Data Perception of the Ministry of Education, and Director of the Key Laboratory of Digital Twins of Guangdong Province.

  • His research interests are human digital twin modeling, cross-media intelligent perception and human-computer interaction.

Key R&D Program Project: Natural Human-Computer Interaction System with Multi-Channel Integration of Audio, Visual and Touch

Hu Jianzhong

  • Professor, Chief Physician, Doctoral Supervisor, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Xiangya Hospital of Central South University.

  • He is a famous doctor in Xiangya, and the director of the joint key lab of Ministry of Education and China Mobile on "mobile medical".

  • His research interests include clinical and basic research on spine, spinal cord and joint diseases.

Key Research and Development Program Project: Research on Medical Care Integration Support Solutions and Applications

Changhao Sun

  • Professor, Vice President of Harbin Medical University.

  • Director of the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health, China-Russia Medical Research Center, Harbin Medical University, leader of the national key discipline of nutrition and food hygiene.

  • His research interests are in molecular nutrition research of nutrition-related diseases.

Key R&D Project: Integrated Research and Application Demonstration of Age- and Disability-Friendly Intelligent Habitat

Tian Junzhang

  • Chief Physician, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong Second People's Hospital.

  • Chief of China International Emergency Medical Team (Guangdong).

  • His research interests include magnetic resonance imaging of the central nervous system, emergency imaging, and specializes in whole-body CT and MR diagnosis.

Key R&D Program Project: Digital Health Family Service Scale-up Application Demonstration

Xia Youbing

  • Professor, Doctoral Candidate, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xuzhou Medical University.

  • Vice President of the Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society, Chairman of the Professional Committee of Research and Transmission of Acupuncture Schools of the Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society.

  • His research interests are in the study of acupuncture schools of Chinese medicine and acupuncture-assisted reproduction.

Key R&D Program Project: Digital Health Family Service Scale-up Application Demonstration

Shiyuan Liu

  • Professor, Chief Physician, Ph.

  • Professor of Changzheng Hospital of the Naval Medical University, Director of the Department of Diagnostic Radiology of Changzheng Hospital, and President of the Asian Society of Chest Radiology.

  • His research interests include imaging and diagnosis of lung diseases.

Key R&D Project: Research on multidimensional early warning, comprehensive diagnosis and intervention strategies for elderly people with reduced cardiopulmonary function and related diseases

Qian Qing

  • Researcher, Deputy Director of Institute of Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.

  • Director of National Population and Health Science Data Center Engineering Technology Center.

  • Research interests include network information systems, medical knowledge organization and intelligent information processing.

Key Research and Development Program Project: Key Technology and Effective Integration of Multi-source Information Fusion for Cardiopulmonary Function Assessment and Rehabilitation

Zhou Haizhu

  • Professor-level Senior Engineer, Director of Urban and Rural Planning Institute of China Academy of Building Research Co.

  • Research Direction: Engaged in scientific and technological research and development and engineering consulting work in green building and existing building renovation.

Key R&D Program Project: Research and Application of Key Technology Standards for Community Ageing Ergonomics


Keynote Speaker Profile

Song Zhaoli

  • Standing Committee of the CPC Qing'an County Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of the County People's Government of Heilongjiang Province

  • He is responsible for the executive work of the county government and is in charge of political and legal affairs, environmental protection, production safety, social governance and stability of letters and visits, human resources and social security, and business environment construction.

Active Health Black Land Initiative Report: Report on the Promotion of Qing'an as a National Active Health Demonstration County

  Hu Caiyou

  • Chief Physician, President of Jiangbin Hospital, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

  • His research interests include the diagnosis and treatment of geriatric cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, common neurological diseases and difficult and critical diseases.

Active Health Bay Area Action Report: Introduction to the Preparation of Active Health Hospital Engineering Research Center in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region


Symposium Presenters' Profiles

Li Zhelin

  • Professor, School of Design, South China University of Technology

  • Also the director of Chinese Society of Human Ergonomics, deputy director of Guangdong Human-Computer Interaction Design Engineering Technology Research Center

  • Research Direction: Human ergonomics and design, human-computer interaction technology, digital design, human data measurement and adaptive design, etc.

Topic: Quantitative characterization of physiological, psychological and behavioral data of the elderly and construction of ergonomic database

Liu Xiao Zhong

  • Professor-level senior architect, national-level registered architect, chief architect of Beijing Architectural Design and Research Institute Co.

  • He is also the director of China Institute of Architects Branch, vice president of Housing and Technology Committee of China Real Estate Association, expert of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

  • Research Direction: Research on the construction and renovation of age-appropriate settlements, the integration of housing and its surrounding environment, and the impact of noise and sunlight on residential planning

Topic: Research on the ageing technology requirements and standards for human-computer interaction elements of community general facilities

Zhou Ying

  • Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, School of Architecture, Southeast University

  • First Vice Chairman of the Academic Committee on Environmental Behavior of the Chinese Academy of Architecture, Executive Director of the First Council of the Medical Architecture Branch, Member of the Academic Committee on Age-Friendly Architecture; First Vice Chairman of the Special Committee on Health Environment for the Elderly of the China Elderly Health Care Association

  • Research Direction: Planning and design of medical and elderly buildings

Topic: Research on technical requirements and standards of aging-friendly ergonomics for community services

   Qi Haimei

  • Chief Physician, Department of Geriatrics, Beijing Hospital

  • He is the Deputy Director of the Department of General Practice Teaching and Research and the Training Base of General Practice, a special researcher of the Public Governance Research Center of the National Academy of Administration, the Chairman of the Committee on Prevention and Control of Geriatric Diseases of the Chinese Society of Preventive Medicine, the Vice Chairman of the Expert Committee on Intelligent Medical and Elderly Care of the Chinese Gerontology and Geriatrics Committee, and the Vice Chairman of the Epidemiology Group of the Geriatrics Branch of the Chinese Medical Association.

  • Research Interests: Geriatrics, Smart Medical and Elderly Care

Subject: Pilot demonstration and standardized technical path research of ageing-appropriate

Company Profile

Beijing Hengzheng Technology Co.(Guangdong)Science group investment, relying on the Guangdong Institute of Human Factors Technology and Wuhan Institute of Human Factors Engineering TechnologyIt is a new type ofofWith the psychological human factors, driving human factors, biologicalObject mechanics, user experience, virtual reality and other directions based on the production, research and development, sales, technical services in oneofHigh and NewTechnology-based enterprise, has been successfully selected to the list of high-tech enterprises in Zhongguancun.

Independently developed by Hengzhi Technologyofdriving human factors system, virtual reality graphical editing software, light environment psychological assessment system, psychological and human factors experimental teaching system.It has entered the domestic market.

Hengzhi TechnologyAs PolandCortivisionNIR, RussiaMitsarGeneral Manager of EEG ChinaItalyBTSSurface electromyography and other biologyPhysical mechanics and gait analysisof domesticProducts General AgentBusiness, NetherlandsNoldusBehavioral Sciences, SwedenTobiiEye-tracking device, NetherlandsMindMediaPhysiology and Biofeedback, USABiopacPhysiology, United StatesETTSense of smell/Taste stimulator and other productsof domestic concessionsAgentBusiness.The high-technology products operated byServedinIncluding Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, Northeast Normal University, Yanshan University, Qiyuan Laboratory, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Shenzhen University of Technology, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Shanghai University, Aerospace Second Institute, ,China Electronics Technology Group27theand28Institute, etc.Top universities and highest level research units in China, , ,Also forMozi, NetEase, Huawei Technologiesproviding technical support.In talent training, scientific research cooperation, and transformation of resultsWithin the field of technologyOngoing deepdegreeCooperation.

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