
NIR Column No. 5: NIR Noise Identification (II)

Near Infrared Noise Recognition

In the previous article, we detailed the structure of the brain and the composition of neural signals. This article goes on to describe the sources of noise in the NIR, and their characterization. In general, there are three different sources of noise that affect NIR spectral data .

Instrument Noise

This type of noise is non-physiological and is associated with electrical noise generated by the NIR spectrometer instruments, computers, external light sources, or other operating hardware (as shown). Electrical noise tends to show up as high-frequency burrs in the signal. Because the sampling frequency of NIR spectroscopy equipment is usually higher than the typical frequency of hemodynamic fluctuations, much of the instrumental noise can be separated from the NIR spectroscopy signal by low-pass filtering the data (Rojas, n.d.). In addition overheating of the machine can cause the data signal to undergo slow wave drift.

Figure 1

Instrument High Frequency Noise

Figure 2

Instrument Linear Drift

motion artifacts

Motion artifacts manifest as large jumps in the amplitude of the light signal (as shown in the figure). Such large jumps are often due to the subject's body movements, especially head movements that cause the optical poles and scalp to shift. Typically, these motion artifacts are several orders of magnitude larger than the expected variance of the light signal, and based on this property, motion artifacts can be easily recognized as outliers in the data (Lee et al., 2017).

Figure 3

motion artifacts

biological fluctuation

In general the physiological fluctuations measured by fNIRS are categorized into four main frequency bands (as shown in the figure). These bands correspond to heartbeat (0.8- 1.5 hz), respiration (0.16 - 0.6 Hz), low-frequency oscillations (LFOs) (0.08 - 0.15 Hz) including arterial blood pressure, and very low-frequency oscillations (VLFOs) (0.02 - 0.08 hz) which in which there is autonomic nervous system activity. Although these signals affect fNIRS measurements, the absence of these physiological components in fNIRS measurements indicates low data quality. This is usually processed using principal component analysis or wavelet filtering (Chaddad, 2014; Fernandez Rojas et al., 2017).

Figure 4

Spectrogram of near-infrared signals

Noise in real experiments

In the previous article we learned that in experiments, NIR signals are often a mixture of multiple noises and signals. In time series analysis, long time data acquisition can cause signal baseline drift, and the equipment also generates high frequency noise. Head movements show large distortions. Heartbeat changes once a second and respiration changes once in 3-5 seconds. Blood pressure, on the other hand, changes slowly and is basically hard to detect with the naked eye (see figure). And in time-frequency analysis, we can see a distinct band of light around 1 Hz, which is often a way for us to determine the quality of the data (Rojas, n.d.).

Figure 5

Actual near-infrared mixed signals

Figure 6

Time domain, frequency domain, and joint time-frequency domain plots in the near infrared

Thank you for reading our tweets, we hope they provide you with useful information. If you have any questions about NIR noise identification or would like to know more, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to answer your questions and provide support. Thank you!


Chaddad, A. (2014). Brain Function Diagnosis Enhanced Using Denoised fNIRS Raw Signals. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 07(04), 218-227.
Fernandez Rojas, R., Huang, X., Hernandez-Juarez, J., & Ou, K.-L. (2017). Physiological fluctuations show frequency-specific networks in fNIRS signals during resting state. 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2550-2553.
Lee, G., Lee, S. H., Sang, H. J., & An, J. (2017). Baseline drift detection index using wavelet transform analysis for fNIRS signal. 2017 5th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), 73-76.
Rojas, R. F. (n.d.). Development of an Objective Pain Assessment using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning.

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