
Notice of Parallel Forum on "Frontiers of Neuromanagement in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" at the 30th Annual Conference of China Society for Technology Economics

I. Background to the Forum

In the era of artificial intelligence, the synergistic integration of human intelligence and machine intelligence plays a wide and deep impact on the high-quality development of economy and society. The Neuroeconomics Management Committee of China Society for Technology Economics (CSTE) is going to hold a parallel forum on "Frontiers of Neuroeconomics in the Era of Artificial Intelligence" at the 30th Annual Conference of CSTE on November 26, 2023 in the morning in Shenzhen, China. The Parallel Forum will focus on the theme of "Frontiers of Neuromanagement in the Age of Artificial Intelligence", discussing the development trend of neuromanagement and neuroeconomics both at home and abroad, and exchanging the latest research trends of neuromanagement and neuroeconomics in the context of national strategies and social needs, so as to further promote the research development and development of neuromanagement and neuroeconomics in China and to promote the development of neuromanagement and neuroeconomics in China. Neuromanagement and Neuroeconomics in China, and further promote the research development and application innovation of Neuromanagement and Neuroeconomics in China. We warmly welcome experts and scholars engaged in scientific research, technology development, enterprise management, and representatives of AI-related fields at home and abroad to participate in the conference.

The relevant matters are notified as follows:

II. Theme of the Forum

Frontiers in Neuromanagement in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

III. Chairperson of the Forum

Prof. Qingguo Ma
International EurasiaAcademician, Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang University of Technology/Zhejiang University

IV. Guest Speakers and Presentation Topics

1. Application cases of neural data in smart manufacturing
(Prof. Peilun Rao, Tsinghua University))
2. Brain-computer synergy perspective of management decision-making
(Prof. Pan Yu, Shanghai International Studies University)
3. Brain-like Economics Research in the Age of Big Models
(Prof. Weihui Dai, Fudan University)
4. Research on User Privacy Behavior in the Age of Digital Intelligence
(Prof. Wang Qiuzhen, Zhejiang University)
5. AI agents based on neural activity features
(Prof. Yasheng Chen, Xiamen University)
6. Theoretical Framework and Application Cases of Neuroengineering Management
(Prof. Ye Gui, Chongqing University)

V. Timing

serial number


Event Time


Conference check-in

November 24-25, 2023


Plenary Session of the 30th Annual Conference of the China Society for Technology Economics

November 25, 2023


Parallel Forum on "Frontiers of Neuromanagement in the Age of Artificial Intelligence"

November 26, 2023 AM

VI. Organizational units

Hosted by

China Society for Technology Economics


China Society of Technology Economics, Neuroeconomic Management Committee

School of Management, Zhejiang Polytechnic University / Institute of Neural Management Science, Zhejiang Polytechnic University


Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTD

VII. Format of the event

The format of the event is based on keynote speech reports, with participants exchanging and discussing together. Six renowned scholars in the field of neuroeconomic management in China are invited to share representative research results and practical summaries on the cutting-edge issues of neuromanagement in the era of artificial intelligence.

VIII. Participation costs

Live in accordance with the unified arrangement of the Annual Meeting, the registration fee is 1000 RMB (500 RMB for students) for those who pay on or before November 10, 2023 (inclusive). After November 11 (inclusive), the registration fee is 1200 RMB (600 RMB for students). Please note when making payment: Parallel Forum on Frontiers of Neuromanagement in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Participants are responsible for their own transportation and accommodation expenses.
For conference registration, hotel accommodation, and conference venue at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), please refer to the Notice of the 30th Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Technical Economics (2023) and Call for Papers (Round 2) at https://www.cste.org.cn/site/content/1677.html. When registering for the conference, please choose to attend the Parallel Forum on "Frontiers of Neuromanagement in the Age of Artificial Intelligence".

IX. Registration and payment of fees

(i) Registration and payment of fees for the Annual Conference can be made on PC and mobile (participants aged 65 or above and special guests are exempted from the registration fee).
PC link address:
For mobile, please scan the QR code below:

After successful registration and payment, please present the QR code at check-in for check-in and material collection.

(ii) Payment of fees by credit card can be made at the check-in site.

X. Contact information

Participation Contact:

Ms. Ye Xu Hong (13958111006, email: xhye@zjut.edu.cn)

Mr. Hu Linfeng (15068800692, e-mail: hulinfeng@zjut.edu.cn)

Ms. Lei Xin (18801306722, e-mail: leixin@zjut.edu.cn)

China Society for Technology EconomicsNeuroeconomic Management Professional Committee

November 9, 2023  


Announcement of the parallel forum "Frontiers of Neuromanagement in the Age of Artificial Intelligence":

Company Profile

Beijing Everloyal technology co., LTDIt is a new type of high-tech enterprise based on psychological human factors, driving human factors, biomechanics, user experience, virtual reality and other directions, integrating production, research and development, sales and technical services, and has been successfully selected for the list of high-tech enterprises in Zhongguancun.

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