
Call for Papers | New Perspectives in Environmental Behavior Research

Humanism and Architectural Theory

Adhering to the core values and continuing our own traditions

Call for Papers 

New Perspectives in Environmental Behavior Research

Theme Planning:nom de guerresplendorLianfei

"Environmental behavior is at the heart of design; it determines how buildings are used and how they affect people's lives."

                                                   --Richard Neutra, Survival by Design

When architecture and psychology, sociology, human factors engineering and other disciplines produce a complex connection, environmental behavior research has become an unavoidable topic for the architectural discipline. The inherent multidisciplinary nature and complex and ever-changing elemental system of environmental behavior research, coupled with the rapid change of technology, make the mission of environmental behavior research constantly extended and full of challenges. From cities, communities to villages, from spaces, buildings to neighborhoods, there is an awakening of humanistic concern brought about by the study of human-environment interaction.

The current environmental behavior research is in the same direction with the diversified contemporary architectural design theories, expanding the scientific scope of theoretical research; it is in the same direction with the vigorous modern architectural design practice, feeding the research path of design innovation.

With the rapid iteration of technology, people's demand for environmental quality is not what it used to be, and the study of environmental behavior is bound to take a new perspective on the relationship between "people and environment". This column invites colleagues to join hands in discussing issues related to environmental behavior (including but not limited to the following scope) in the light of the new era and new needs; we look forward to the presentation of new perspectives, new methods, and new understandings in your research.

1. New concepts and approaches to environmental and behavioral research

2. A new paradigm for environmental and behavioral education and teaching

3. Environment and behavior in the context of everyday life

4. Environment and behavior in special application scenarios

5. Inclusive perspectives on environment and behaviour

6. Artificial intelligence and environmental behavior

The journal now invites relevant researchers to contribute their in-depth studies and insights on the above topics.

The journal also invites scholars related to the discipline of architecture to organize various types of valuable issues, and welcome self-nominations or recommendations as column moderators.


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    Note: Please select the type of manuscript:"Column: new perspectives in the study of environmental behavior.".

  • A word count of 6,000 to 9,000 words is appropriate, and may be relaxed according to the needs of the content.

  • The editorial board will provide timely feedback on the review of manuscripts.

  • Deadline for receipt of manuscripts: September 30, 2024This topic is a standing topic and can be followed up with ongoing contributions.

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