
Noldus FaceReader facial expression analysis system

Facial Expression Analysis System (FaceReader) is professional software for automatic analysis of facial expressions, which can accurately and reliably recognize facial expressions and is a beneficial tool for you to conduct various studies.
Contact us for details: 010-53352947

Why use a facial expression analysis system?

  • The facial expression analysis system can automatically analyze facial expressions and clearly reflect the effect of different stimuli on emotions.
  • Easy to use, helping you save a lot of valuable time and resources.
  • Rapid integration with eye movement, physiological and other data is possible.

Research using facial expression analysis system

Many researchers have turned to the use of facial expression analysis systems to better provide objective assessments of emotions. Facial expression analysis systems are used by more than 1,000 universities, research institutions and companies in a variety of fields worldwide, from consumer and psychology research to usability studies.

The Facial Expression Analysis System is fast, flexible, objective, accurate and easy to use. It saves valuable time by analyzing your data (live, video or still images) in a timely manner. The option to record audio and video allows you to hear what the subject is saying - for example, during human-computer interaction or while watching a stimulus.

Reliable research tools

According to a validation study using ADFES, FaceReader 9 provides accurate sentiment classification performance with an average accuracy of 99%.



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