
NIR Topics | Relationship Conflict Increases Neural Synchronization in Romantic Couples



Human Previous research on diencephalic social interactions has shown that there are different patterns of interpersonal neural synchronization between conflict and support, but the role of emotion in the diencephalic mechanisms of such interactions is unclear.Furthermore, little is known about how diencephalic mechanisms are affected by relationship type (couple/friend) and interaction mode (speech/behavior). To elaborate on these issues, the present study used near-infrared to collect and analyze blood oxygenation changes in romantic couples and opposite-sex friends when discussing conflict, neutrality, or support topics.



  The researchers recruited 22 pairs of romantic heterosexual couples and 22 pairs of close heterosexual friends. There was no significant difference in how long they had known each other . They also did not differ significantly in age .


experimental procedure

  As shown in the figure, participants were seated facing each other in the experiment. An initial resting state of 5 minutes was used as a baseline. Then, three interactive sessions were conducted. Participants were first asked to complete a 5-minute mutual gaze task and a 5-minute touch task. Participants then interacted freely based on three different topics: cooperation, conflict, or neutrality. Participants were told to discuss each topic for 10 minutes. The experimenter then left the room to provide a private setting for the participants. After ten minutes, the experimenter returned to the lab to conclude their discussion. The order of the three topics was counterbalanced between participant pairs.

The fNIRS results are shown below
  1. As shown in the figure, after performing wavelet coherence with time lag on the data of both men and women, it was found that the coherence between the two peaked in the frequency range of 0.04-0.09 Hz when the brain activity of men lagged behind that of women by 4 s. The two were found to be coherent in the frequency range of 0.04-0.09 Hz when the brain activity of men was 4 s behind that of women.

2. As shown in the figure, among couples, female-initiated verbal interactions resulted in an increase in INS for negative and neutral topics, while the opposite pattern was found for friends. Further, no significant differences were found in male-initiated verbal interactions. In addition, it was found that differences in INS increases between couples and friends emerged at a 5-s time lag.


talk over

  In the current study, it was found that couples' high arousal (i.e., emotional intensity) during conflict interactions enhanced the synchronization of brain activity between couples, which in turn enhanced the strength of their love relationship.

The current study found that women's brain activity was highly congruent with men's brain activity 4 seconds later, showing a female-first synchronization of brain activity.This result further supports that top-down regulation of INS by relationship type also supports the predictive coding hypothesis ( Prochazkova and Kret 2017;Liu et al. 2020).

In addition, we found that couples' brain synchronization was significantly higher when discussing conflictual topics than when discussing supportive topics.The opposite pattern emerges among heterosexual friends.This supports the hierarchical model of social interaction (Jiang et al., 2021), whereby higher-level interactions (speech), may modulate lower-level processes in a top-down manner.



This study explored in detail the interaction between couples in different contexts. The current study found thatCouples inHigh arousal in conflict interactions enhances synchronization of brain activity between couples, which in turn enhances the strength of their love relationship. At the same time, asynchrony between couples also suggests that men are primarily emotional receivers rather than initiators in romantic relationships (Moore 2010; Grammer et al. 2000).



Prochazkova E, Kret ME. 2017. connecting minds and sharing emotions through mimicry: a neurocognitive model of emotional contagion. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 80:99-114.

Liu L, Zhang Y, Zhou Q, Garrett DD, Lu C, Chen A, Qiu J, Ding G. 2020. Auditory-articulatory neural alignment between listener and speaker during verbal communication. Cereb Cortex. 30:942-951.

Jiang J, Zheng L, Lu C. 2021. a hierarchical model for interpersonal verbal communication. soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 16:246-255.

Moore MM. 2010. human nonverbal courtship behavior-a brief historical review. j Sex Res. 47:171-180.

Grammer K, Kruck K, Juette A, Fink B. 2000. Non-verbal behavior as courtship signals: the role of control and choice in selecting partners. Evol Hum Behav. 21:371-390.

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