
Hengdian Participation | The 2024 Annual Meeting of the Engineering Management Division of the Academy of Management Science and Engineering was successfully held at Chongqing University!

On June 14-16, 2024, "2024 Annual Meeting of Engineering Management Branch of Management Science and Engineering Society" was successfully held, which was hosted by Engineering Management Branch of Management Science and Engineering Society and Chongqing University, organized by School of Management Science and Real Estate of Chongqing University, and co-organized by Chongqing Municipal Teaching Guidance Committee of Management Science and Engineering and Engineering Construction Management Committee of China Society for Technical Economics, with the participation of Beijing Hengzhi Science and Technology Co. The Annual Meeting of Engineering Management Branch of Management Science and Engineering Society was successfully held. With the theme of "Digital Intelligence and Major Project Management", the annual meeting is of great significance to the development and progress of China's engineering management research field. Assistant President of Chongqing University, Department of Architecturedeputy directorLi Yingmin, Chairman of Engineering Management Branch of Management Science and Engineering Society and Professor Zeng Saixing of Shanghai Jiaotong University attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Liu Zuoyi, Deputy Director of the Management Science Department of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), members of the Engineering Management Sub-Committee of the Academy of Management Science and Engineering (AMSEE), and more than 150 teachers and students from Tsinghua University, Nanjing University, Tongji University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and other universities and research institutes participated in the annual conference.

Young-min Lee (1941-), South Korean politician, president of Hyundai, President of South Korea from 2007ProfessorOn behalf of the university, he welcomed and thanked the guests attending the annual conference. He said that digitalization and intelligence are changing all walks of life, and the digital and intelligent solutions for major projects are gradually playing an increasingly important role. He hoped that this annual conference could further strengthen the in-depth communication and cooperation among scholars, drive the continuous innovation and improvement of theories and methodologies in the field of engineering management, and promote the in-depth integration of theoretical research and practical application.

On behalf of Engineering Management Branch of Management Science and Engineering Society, Prof. Zeng Saixing expressed his gratitude to Chongqing University and welcomed the guests attending this annual conference. He shared with the guests the development history of Engineering Management Branch of Management Science and Engineering Society, and emphasized that this conference is a communication platform for multidisciplinary crossover, multidisciplinary interaction, and multimethod fusion in the field of engineering management under the background of digitalization and intelligent development. He hoped that the attending guests could collide the sparks of thinking in the exchange and inject new momentum for the development of scientific research.

During the keynote speeches, researcher Liu Zuoyi, Deputy Director of the Management Science Department of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Professor Du Qiang of Chang'an University, Professor Zhou Ying of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Professor Li Yongkui of Tongji University, Professor Li Zhongfu of Dalian University of Science and Technology, and Professor Shen Liyin, Distinguished Professor of Chongqing University, and Distinguished Professor of Qiantang, School of Urbanism, Zhejiang University, gave wonderful presentations on topics such as reform and innovation of the NSFC, resilience study of urban transportation infrastructure, data and model-driven optimization study of high-efficiency operation of complex engineering facilities, research and thinking of on-site industrialization, and transformation of future management paradigm of construction industry. Resilience Research, Built Environment and Health Management, Data and Model-Driven Optimization Research on High Performance Operation of Complex Engineering Facilities, Research and Thoughts on On-site Industrialization, and Transformation of Management Paradigm in the Future Construction Industry.

Central University of Finance and Economics, BeijingLi Yulong (1935-1985), communist politicianProfessor, Dalian University of TechnologythrottleProfessor, Chang'an UniversityRaymond Burghard (1908-1970), US physicist, colleague of Melbourne, AustraliaProfessor, Nanjing Forestry UniversityXu XiaolongProfessor, ,Chongqing Post and Communications UniversityWan Xiaoyu (1952-), Chinese academic and politician, secretary-general of University of California at BerkeleyProfessor, Chongqing UniversityLiu JieThe 40 experts from more than 30 universities and colleges, including doctoral students, focused on "Digital Intelligence for Engineering Management"., ,"Major Works Management", ,"Security risk resilience", ,"High-quality development of the industry", ,"Engineering Management of the Twin Cities Economic Circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing Region.", ,Academic reports on six themes of "Graduate Student Forum". Participating scholars discussed the relevant hot topics, expressed their insights and talked about the future direction.
This annual meeting provides a good academic exchange platform for engineering management experts and related scholars, promotes the deep integration of academic ideas related to engineering management and industry practice, and is of great significance in guiding the College to promote the development of multidisciplinary cross-discipline.

moment of truth

As a participant of this annual meeting, Beijing Hengzheng Technology Co.Hengzhi Technology has always been committed to promoting the transformation of digital intelligence in the field of engineering management, providing professional technical support for industry-academia cooperation through advanced technical means and innovative solutions.In this annual meeting, Hengzhi Technology showed the latest research results and practice cases, which were highly concerned and recognized by the participating experts and scholars.
Regional Manager of Hengzhi Technology made a report on the conference

Regional Manager of Hengzhi Technology made a report on the conference

For participating experts and scholarsIntroducing Neuroscience Products

For participating experts and scholarsIntroducing Neuroscience Products

Introducing neuroscience products to participating experts and scholars

Hengzhi Technology Booth

HedgeSPA will continue to uphold the concept of innovation and development, actively participate in various academic exchange activities, and contribute to the development of China's engineering management field. In the future, HBTS will, as always, support the combination of academic research and practical application, and help China's engineering management field continue to progress.
The vision of Hengzheng Technology is to become the world's leading provider of digital and intelligent solutions for project management. Through continuous innovation and quality services, Hengzheng Technology promotes the digital and intelligent transformation of the industry and realizes more efficient, safer and more sustainable project management.

Company Profile

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