
Reprint | Chinese People's Police University 2024 Open Recruitment Announcement

In order to conscientiously implement the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Public Security Party Committee to comprehensively and strictly control the Party's decision-making and deployment of the police and deepen the reform of the recruitment mechanism of the people's police, and strive to build a loyal to the Party, service to the people, law enforcement and impartial, disciplined, high-quality professional and tough public security force, according to the Ministry of Public Security "on strengthening the views of the people's police recruitment work in the public security organs," "on conscientiously do a good job of the Ministry of Public Security Institutions 2024 Annual Open Recruitment


Recruitment position

There are a total of 24 open recruitment positions and 64 persons recruited, all of them are People's Police positions, and the required qualification is doctoral degree. Specific position information and qualifications are detailed in the "People's Police University of China 2024 Open Recruitment Plan" (see annex).


Recruitment Objects

(a) Fresh college graduates in 2024 (including college graduates who have not realized their work units within the period of choosing their career as stipulated by the State, excluding all kinds of commissioned and directed students).

(ii) The working staffs (including post-doctoral fellows who left the station in the current year) in the general institutions of higher education and key research institutes organized by the governments and departments at or above the provincial (ministerial) level, as well as in the party and government organs at or above the municipal (prefectural) level, who have a doctoral degree and a higher level of professionalism.


entry requirement

Recruitment of personnel for positions in the People's Police must emphasize political standards, focus on professional competence, and strict requirements for party spirit and integrity.


Applicants must have the following qualifications:

1. A firm political stance, absolute loyalty to the Party, support for the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, support for the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system, good political quality and moral character, and love for the cause of people's public security.

2. Possessing the knowledge and ability required to perform the duties of the post, all stages of higher education shall be taken off to obtain the corresponding full-time qualifications and degrees, and the competent authority to which the school of graduation belongs shall be a government or institution at the provincial or ministerial level (or above).

Position requirements for professional conditions for the highest degree corresponding to the major, the applicant must apply for the main major, do not accept the second major or minor to apply for the examination; applicants obtained or will obtain the certificate of graduation and degree certificate in the name of the profession must be consistent, the issuance of the certificate of graduation and the name of the degree certificate of the school should also be consistent. If the position requires a major in public security, the applicant is limited to graduates of public security colleges specializing in public security.

3. Fresh doctoral students and working staff applying for the main campus (the place of settlement is Beijing) should be under 35 years old (born after January 1, 1989), and the age of fresh doctoral students and working staff applying for the Guangzhou campus (the place of settlement is Guangzhou) can be relaxed to 40 years old (born after January 1, 1984). Applicants from outside Beijing who apply for the main campus must comply with the policy of settling down in Beijing, and the working staff should have the household registration in Beijing.

4. Physical and mental health.

5. Shall meet the qualifications stipulated in the relevant policies for the recruitment of people's police officers of public security organs.

6. Laws, regulations, policies and other qualifications required for the position and the fulfillment of the duties of the position.

Except for the deadline of July 2024 for graduates of the class of 2024 to obtain the relevant academic degrees and diplomas, the deadline for other qualifications required by the position (e.g., political profile, work experience, qualifications, etc.) is February 2024.


Applicants must not have the following circumstances:

1. Those who are in the situations described in Articles 8 and 9 of the Measures for the Political Examination of People's Police Officers Employed by Public Security Organs.

2. If he/she is related to a school staff member by husband and wife, blood relatives in the direct line, blood relatives within three generations, or close relatives by marriage.

3. Parents, spouses or children who have emigrated to a foreign country (territory), children or siblings and other immediate family members married to foreigners.

4. Personnel files (school records) with "three ages, two calendars and one identity" tampering and falsification or important materials missing, serious inaccuracies and other issues.

5. Other circumstances that are stipulated by laws and regulations or required by the Ministry of Public Security or the university to be prohibited from employment.


Enrollment Procedures


Online Registration

Between 9:00 on February 20, 2024 and 18:00 on February 29, 2024 is the public application time, applicants can visit the website http://rczp.cpta.com.cn进行网上报名. Each person is limited to apply for one position, the application is not examined or examined and passed, can not be changed to other positions; examination is not passed, before the closing time of the application can be changed to other positions. When applying, you should read the integrity commitment carefully, and the application materials you submit should be true, accurate and complete.


Review of eligibility

The period from 9:00 on February 20, 2024 to 18:00 on March 5, 2024 will be the time for application qualification examination, which will confirm whether the applicant is qualified to apply for the examination or not, and the applicant can log in to the application website to check the result of the qualification examination. For incomplete filling materials, difficult to identify, should be supplemented with relevant supporting materials. According to the relevant laws and regulations as well as the relevant policies on personnel management and open recruitment of public organizations, the qualification examination is carried out throughout the entire process of the recruitment work. In each subsequent recruitment process and during the probationary period, those who do not meet the qualification conditions will be disqualified from employment in accordance with the relevant provisions; those who have made false statements will be notified to their schools or work units and reported to the competent authorities of the central policy to be recorded in the integrity file and dealt with seriously in accordance with the relevant provisions.


print out an exam pass

Those who have passed the examination should visit the website http://rczp.cpta.com.cn/tyzpwb/login/zkzdy.htm打印准考证 between March 12 and March 15, 2024. When attending the examination and assessment, you must bring both your pass and identity card.


test and evaluation

The examination consists of a written examination and a professional aptitude test. The comprehensive score is synthesized in accordance with the ratio of 60% and 40% for the written examination score and professional aptitude test score respectively. Professional ability test before the organization of qualification review and people's police professional psychological quality assessment.


written examination

To take the 2024 Open Recruitment Examination for some institutions directly under the Ministry of Public Security, which consists of a comprehensive test and is conducted in the form of a closed-book computerized examination. The time limit for the examination is 180 minutes, with a full score of 100 points and a minimum passing score of 60 points. On the day of the written examination, candidates must bring their ID cards and original written examination passes to report, and be guided into the waiting room by the staff. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the closed management of the candidates into the exam, not reported to the personnel deemed to give up their own qualifications for the written test. The score of the written examination shall reach the minimum passing score line of 60 points, and those who fail to reach the standard shall be regarded as unqualified.

1、Written test time: March 16, 2024 14:00-17:00.

2. The written examination will be held in Beijing, and the specific address will be based on the address contained in the admission card.

Candidates can check their written test results after March 26, 2024 on the application website.


Review of qualifications

On-site qualification review before the professional ability test, applicants must provide their own identity documents (their own valid resident identity card, student card, work permit, etc.), registration form (download and print from the application website), in-service personnel must also provide the unit agreed to apply for the examination certificate and other materials. Where the main information in the relevant materials is inaccurate, affecting the results of the qualification examination, the applicant will be disqualified from participating in the test of professional competence.


Professional Aptitude Test

Depending on the nature and requirements of each position, different forms of professional aptitude tests are adopted. For teaching and research positions, the test is in the form of a trial lecture, and for other positions, the test is in the form of a professional interview. The details of the professional aptitude test will be announced separately. The score of the professional aptitude test shall reach the minimum qualifying score line of 80 points, and those who do not reach the standard shall be regarded as unqualified.


psychological quality assessment (PQA)

All applicants are required to take the People's Police Occupational Psychological Quality Assessment. The assessment of the occupational psychological quality of the people's police is not scored, and the results of the assessment are used as an important reference for recognizing the suitability of candidates for the people's police profession.

According to the recruitment plan to apply for the situation, as appropriate, in the personnel who have passed the written examination to carry out supplementary recruitment, for the second round of applicants to organize psychological quality assessment and professional aptitude test, the specific requirements of a separate announcement.


Medical and political examinations

After the written examination and professional ability test, according to the order of the comprehensive score from high to low, the investigation object and the number of planned employment 1:1 ratio to determine the candidates for medical examination and political investigation. In the case of a tie at the end, the level of their academic achievements and the relevance of the position, the organization of experts to determine the candidates for medical examination and investigation of a comprehensive review. In the event of failure or abandonment of the medical examination and political investigation, etc., the candidates may be replaced in the order of their comprehensive scores.


medical check-up

Physical examination items and standards are implemented in accordance with the Circular on the Revision of the General Standards for Physical Examinations for Employment in the Civil Service (Trial) and the Operational Manual for Physical Examinations for Employment in the Civil Service (Trial), as well as the relevant provisions for the position of people's police officer in the Circular on the Issuance of Special Standards for Physical Examinations for Employment in the Civil Service (Trial).


political investigation

The political investigation strictly carries out the Measures for Political Investigation of People's Police Employed by Public Security Organs, and focuses on whether the candidates meet the political requirements of strengthening the "four consciousnesses", firming up the "four self-confidence", and doing the "two safeguards", in accordance with the standards and conditions of the people's police and the requirements of the positions to be employed. "two maintenance" and other political requirements, on the investigation of the subject in the ideals and beliefs, political stance, political attitude, moral character, competence, psychological quality, compliance with the law, integrity and self-discipline, job match, whether there is a need to avoid the situation, as well as the main experience, the situation of leaving the country (territory), the rewards and punishments, and the reality of the performance of the comprehensive investigation, and the investigation of the subject's family members, and the investigation of the subject's family members, and the investigation of the subject's family members. Examination, and the family members of the subject, social background and other extended examination.


Announcement of employment

To be employed by the school comprehensive qualifications, comprehensive results, physical examination, political investigation, etc., the school party committee collectively study the proposed employment object and organize publicity. After the expiration of the publicity period, if there is no reflection or reflection of the problem does not affect the employment, after reporting to the higher authorities for approval, the employment procedures will be carried out in accordance with the regulations.


protection of remuneration

The recruits are all national career staff; they are awarded the title of People's Police; they are arranged to settle in Beijing (Guangzhou); and their salaries and benefits are implemented according to the regulations. According to the performance and achievements of the recruits, 300,000-600,000 RMB will be paid as settling-in fee; swing housing will be provided or rent subsidy will be paid on a monthly basis; funds for scientific research activities and project construction will be guaranteed according to the projects undertaken. For the relevant treatment of the introduced doctoral students, please refer to the "Measures for the Introduction of High-level Talents of the Chinese People's Police University (Trial)" on the official website of the university at https://www.cppu.edu.cn/info/1044/2775.htm.



The People's Police University of China open recruitment work to accept the higher authorities, discipline inspection and supervision departments and the community throughout the supervision. Supervision telephone number: 0316-2068376.


Official Information Release Channels and Contacts

(i) China Personnel Examination Website: http:// www.cpta.com.cn;

(ii) The official school website: http://www.cppu.edu.cn;

(c) WeChat public number: Chinese People's Police University.

(d) Correspondence address: Personnel Office of the People's Police University of China, No. 220 Xichang Road, Anji District, Langfang, Hebei Province. Postal code: 065000.

(v) Consultation telephone number: (0316) 2068280, 2068289, 2068290.

Telephone consultations are available on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 14:00 p.m. to 17:30 p.m. During the school's winter vacation rotation, consultations via e-mail are recommended.

(vi) Recruitment office e-mail address: zhaolu@cppu.edu.cn.

(vii) Pre-registration code:

Sincerely welcome to join the People's Police University of China. Interested parties may send their resumes to e-mail or scan the code to pre-register, and staff will prompt you to formally register online after the announcement is made.

Special Tip:

This recruitment does not publish or designate exam tutorial books, and does not organize or entrust any institution or individual to hold exam tutorial training courses. Any examination training, website or publication issued under the name of the examination group, examination textbook editorial committee, authorized by the competent authority, etc., are not related to this recruitment, so please be alert to the applicants, do not be misled to interfere, and beware of being deceived. Family members who have violated the law or committed a crime or other circumstances that may affect the fair performance of duties in accordance with the law after employment should be cautious in applying for the examination.

Attachment: Public Recruitment Plan of the Chinese People's Police University 2024

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Source丨Personnel Office

This article comes from the WeChat public number: EVERLOYAL
