The structure and function of the brain is the most challenging scientific issue in the 21st century, and the related scientific knowledge can not only analyze the generation and operation of the human mind, but also effectively integrate with information and communication technology, giving rise to artificial intelligence, brain-like intelligence, digital society and other emerging industries. China has put forward the layout of China's brain program "with the neurological basis of brain cognition as the main body" and "with brain diseases and brain intelligence as the two wings", in which the brain-computer interface is the key technology of "brain-like intelligent computing and brain-computer intelligence". Brain-computer interface is the key technology of "brain-like intelligent computing and brain-machine intelligence". In this regard, the Bureau of Academic Affairs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has set up a consulting project entitled "Brain-computer Interface Key Scientific Issues, Key Core Technologies and Their Layout Research" led by Professor Cheng Heping, academician of CAS and professor of Peking University, in order to comprehensively sort out and analyze the key scientific issues and technological challenges of the Brain-computer Interface as well as the related development paths.
Under the promotion of Academician Cheng Heping and Dr. Wang Zhenyu, the guest editor of this journal, Science and Society has organized and published the topic of "Brain-Computer Interfaces", which discusses the relationship between brain-computer interface technology and society from different perspectives, such as the progress and prospect of brain-computer interface technology, the social impact, the ethical risk, and the public governance, and so on. It is hoped that the publication of this topic can attract people from all walks of life to pay attention to brain-computer interfaces, and work together for the healthy development of brain-computer interface technology, as well as to better serve the society and improve human welfare.

Current status of brain-computer interface technology development
and future prospects
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Brain-Computer Interface Technology: Current development status and future outlook
Xiao Song is an associate researcher of Hubei Science and Technology Information Research Institute. His research interests include science and technology management, science and technology policy and strategic planning.
Cheng Heping is a professor at Peking University and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include calcium signaling, mitochondrial function research, and creation of research instruments.
Zhaohui Wu is a professor at Zhejiang University and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include artificial intelligence, brain-computer intelligence, and service computing.
Xu Zhang is a researcher at Guangdong Institute of Intelligent Science and Technology. His research interests include neuroscience, molecular cell biology mechanisms of neurological diseases.
Wang Yizheng is a researcher at the Institute of Military Medical Sciences, Academy of Military Sciences. His research interests include brain diseases and brain-like research.
Jing Chen is a researcher at Peking University. Her research interests include speech information processing, machine hearing, and speech neural decoding.
Pan Gang is a professor at Zhejiang University. His research interests include artificial intelligence, brain-computer interface, and brain-like computing.
Tao Hu is a researcher at Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include brain-computer interface, artificial intelligence, and micro-nano opto-mechanical systems.
Yao Dezhong is a professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology. His research interests include neural information and brain-computer interaction.
Xiaojie Duan is a long term associate professor at Peking University. His research interests are in biomedical engineering.
Gang Wang is an associate researcher at the Institute of Military Medical Research, Academy of Military Science. His research interests are brain-like visual computing.
Corresponding author:
Cheng Heping at
Project Grants:
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), "Brain-computer interface key scientific issues, key core technologies and their layout" (2023-ZW07-A-026).

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